
DIY waxing GNA600 more money

Of course, first wash before waxing and need waxing the car, preferably with a washing liquid to clean the body thoroughly, and then wipe the water, and then GNA600  check the body before waxing to ensure that no dust; with special sponge dipped in wax , in a circular motion evenly coated in the paint surface, each smear range not too much, half a meter square on it, along the body sheet metal a one manner. Waxing in the end is a circle or a straight line to smear, I specifically ask the car beauty shop teacher, circle smear his argument is not only evenly coated and painted surfaces can wax deep into the subtle depression , prevent moisture adhering to the body surface, to the purpose of rust. Of course, in what way they can, completely out of personal interest;
With special sponge dipped in wax, in a circular motion evenly coated in the paint surface, each smear range not too much, half a meter square on it, along the body sheet metal a one manner. Waxing in the end is a circle or a straight line to smear, I specifically ask the car beauty shop teacher, circle smear his argument is not only evenly coated and painted surfaces can wax deep into the subtle depression , prevent moisture adhering to the body surface, to the purpose of rust. Of course, in what way they can, completely out of personal interest; waxing process, there will inevitably be in the headlights, license plates, doors and other crevices some residual wax, so that not only affects the appearance, but also may have a long lifetime of rust. Thus, even after the kick wax on the
gna600 honda  vehicle to conduct a thorough cleanup.
Just bought a new car does not have to rush back to waxing, because the paint on the car itself has a protective wax, waxing too early not only wasteful, but will destroy the surface of the original car wax, so the car within five months without waxing. According vehicles in different environments, different parking places waxing time interval should also be different, if the body paint looks a bit dim or rain drops can not be formed on the paint when it needs waxing, in general two to three months
In a cool place for car wax to ensure the body will not heat. Because as the temperature rises, the wax adhesion worse, will affect the quality waxing, waxing of the time so the best choice for cloudy or morning and evening; waxing, sponge can not be too dry or too wet , slightly dry on it. Please use the appropriate amount of wax, do not think much used wax, it will have the best effect, but this will be self-defeating;
If you find that when polishing wax
gm tech2 software   has to kill, first spray a little water and then rub. If you have tried the wax dry rub, the car will not only not bright, but probably because of friction and scratch the paint;

