
Rain vehicle maintenance OBD 2 Diagnosescanner points

1, as promptly as possible wash
Some owners might think that rain
OBD 2 Diagnosescanner is a good opportunity to wash. In fact, because now is not a small chance of rain the next, and acid rain have a corrosive effect on the paint. Therefore, in the rain washes, be sure to promptly wash, remove acidic substances. In addition, more rain season, the owner may wish to give your car to a waxing or sealing glaze paint care. This is also equivalent to the car with a layer of protective sleeve. In addition, after the rain, from the water at the car crossed, often lead to the lower side of the vehicle, "filth", must also be cleared as soon as possible, otherwise they often lead to rust phenomenon.
2, chassis care to prevent rust
As previously stated, the lower side of the vehicle through the water in other places when they get dirty easily and cause rust. Among them, the chassis and the ground as close to the site of the most affected are the most obvious. In this case, it may be to do a clean chassis and rust treatment. In addition, there has been no sealed plastic chassis of the vehicle can also be done once, and this is also a good way to maintain the chassis.
3, the traffic in the immediate re-ignition flame
On rainy days, the owner will often encounter the phenomenon will not start. It is reported that the majority is due to moisture causes the ignition system, once encountered this phenomenon, we must promptly check the circuit device and use a dry cloth to dry the spark plugs and
BMW OBD1-OBD2 Adapter  other circuit devices, wait can be restarted.
It is worth recalling that, in the face of heavy rain, passing deeper water, if the moving engine suddenly, do not abruptly start again, otherwise it may lead to engine damage or even scrapped.
4, the wind and rain to the car when you do not "dress"
Many car owners have to put a sewing habits, hoping to reduce the external environment on the vehicle surface damage. In fact, in sunny, when indeed there is dust, sunscreen, anti-acid rain and other effects, but once suffered wind and rain when the "sewing" it might be the car to bring greater harm . In windy, sewing often under the action of the wind as if slapping the body, causing damage to the paint. In addition, if there is sand is blown into the sewing machine, the body of the vehicle 
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