
The things that you should have your MB Star C3

Unnecessary driving case, a sudden failure, when you are in the middle of nowhere, or trapped in a blizzard, in some remote MB Star C3  areas, assistance hours away. There is a device in the car, to help you and your car in the case of emergency, can save you costly towing service. It will not hurt you like Boy Scouts prepare and make sure you have an emergency tool in your car, such as:

Aside from the primary phone, you need to have a backup phone. If you want to travel for hours, day or night, make sure your phone is fully charged spare. Who knows when you might need to dial 911 numbers you fix.First, the most important thing is that your spare tire. Always check it, see it, your tires are still incomplete and not flat. In addition, spare radiator cap, extra fuses, as well as a spare set your windshield blades. It would certainly help if you know how to switch them too. Another good idea is to have an additional top and bottom radiator hoses, when traveling MB STAR C3 Mercedes Diagnose  to remote places in the hot weather. There is a kit in the trunk, there should be old, but do not wear air filters, spark plugs, and extra bolts, screws, nuts.

This can really be helpful, especially when you are traveling with children. Anything could happen, it's always good to prepare. Make sure you have some basic knowledge of first aid, which can help save a life, or life.

Water is essential for survival. If you were stranded somewhere, the water can quench their thirst, plus you can use it as a coolant, if your car cooling system overheating. Just see to it that you regularly refill or change your stored water in order to ensure its death can happen at the most inopportune time, most likely due to negligence potable.Your car battery. When you need to go to some place where your batter is never the right time for your death. It is recommended to have jumper cables, so you can jump start your dead battery, or you can even help other owners  MMulti-Di@g Access J2534  who need one. But remember, the new models of vehicles, these days there is a certain process springboard. Make sure you how to start your car, it can do more harm sufficient knowledge, then you handle it carefully.

