
Child safety seat shopping guide

More careful before you buy
In choosing a child safety seat, it is recommended  
VAG-Com   that you should try to use a rearward facing child safety seats, more than one year of age until the age of your baby weighing more than nine kilograms, and without auxiliary sitting, if possible, should also appropriate to extend the use of time in this seat. When your children weighing more than a backward-seat maximum load-bearing, or the child's head out along the seat, should use a forward seat. It needs to be pointed out is: as long as your child's weight is also backward seat within the allowable range, even lying on the seat, knees slightly bent, nor will it effect the ride of the seats have a big impact .
The experts recommend not to buy second-hand child safety seat, if these seats some parts (including manual) has been lost, damaged, or has been recalled because it is difficult to understand the background of these seat use, then use this The seat will be very dangerous. Even have occurred due to the plastic aging or prolonged pressure rift collisions may cause used seat hidden faults exists, leading to traffic accidents can not play due protection. The longest service life of the child seat is 
V-Checker V500 generally ten years, over the life of the seat in any case should not be used. For more than five years of seat should be carefully checked.
Purchase, installation should be more carefully
Buy a child safety seat for your baby, please be sure to fill in the receipt and return it to the seat manufacturer. Sometimes, if some child safety seat with a design and manufacturing defects may be recalled by the manufacturer. Found quality problems and updating of product information, manufacturers can notify you in a timely manner.

If you are ready to put a child seat is installed forward into the front seat of the car, make sure the passenger seat as far as moving backward, so the children as far as possible to leave the dashboard. This car collision, to provide as much protection for the child's head and chest. The child seat should be installed as far as possible in the back seat of the car, that would be more secure. Although sometimes 
SMPS MPPS v5  out of a variety of factors to consider, had the child seat is installed in the front seat of the car, but if the co-pilot position of the car has airbags, in any case not a child seat can be placed before considerable impact car collision, the airbag will pop-seat row seat, which children harm.

