
What is the constant X-431 Diagun air tail ?

The car fixed tail wind first appeared in the F1 car, after  X-431 Diagun which they were transplanted into ordinary cars. Given wind tail of the car is the same principle with the principles of aircraft wing. When the air flowing through the wing, due to the faster the velocity of flow through the top wing, below the airflow velocity is slower, so the air pressure side of the wing surface is lowered, below the air pressure of the opposing airfoil, and so the lifting upwardly forces, and the faster the pressure the greater the difference. If the wing is upside down, is a simple racing scheduled tail wind, the effect will be the opposite, down repression forces, often called downforce.

Car at high speeds, according to aerodynamic principles, we know the encounter air resistance, the car in the process of moving around the vehicle center of gravity at the same time generate longitudinal, lateral and vertical rise of three directions

The fixed tail wind come from?

From the above we can see
nissan consult 3   that the mounting tail in addition to the role of aesthetics, a greater role in the high speed for the vehicle to provide the necessary stability. Especially for high-powered cars, high-speed cornering or through complex sections, the tail can play a balancing role.

The car surface projections, the less lines more smoothly drag the smaller. Increased tail no doubt will increase wind resistance, most cars the main city road, the vehicle impossible to achieve less than an hour to be able to play a role in the tail, so the greater the volume, low speed the greater the resistance, coupled with the body as a whole an increase in weight, it will also cause a rise in fuel consumption. The speed of 120km / h or more fuel-efficient is even more absurd, not to mention ordinary private cars have much time to leave the city to run the highway alone the general highway 100 to 120km / h km limit speed, it is necessary to ponder ponder is expensive speeding ticket or save your oil it? Not to mention the cost of the tailfin from the get you to go out and pay the bill.

