
Japanese elm327 is not too well to pick up

Day system brand 4 s shops cold and elm327 cheerless and Korean, law car distribution shop lively formed a striking contrast. According to Korean brand distributors revealed that the store sales recently appeared more than doubled, many of which the customer was on the plan of the cars. Can say, "JianLouEr pick up hand cramps" to describe Korean car dealer's condition again appropriate did not pass.
However, Japanese "LouEr" so good really pick up? The answer is no.
First from consumers to reflect. We know that the choice of consumer is the key to success or failure of the brand. Although a recent period of time Japanese tourists erosion is serious, but the survey also shows that, the consumer to Japanese quality approval &satisfaction did not decline. On the contrary, day system brand recently launched of all kinds of customer care activities, but effective improve the   Volvo VIDA DiCE  existing customer satisfaction.
To see Japanese enterprises efforts. Recently, with a day system brand car enterprise high-level communication, he emphasized for many times that the company on consumers' attention, "with the customer approval to have everything", according to its say they will be "spare no effort" retaining existing customers, and then slowly recovering other consumer confidence in the brand.
Indeed, Japanese enterprises absolutely will not give up the Chinese market. Statistics show that sales in China occupies 20% share of the Honda, nissan sales in China than is as high as 27%, from these data, it is easy to see cars vulnerable to the Chinese market dependency. However, in the face of the sales slump, Japanese enterprises did not panic. Although has in recent years the bottom, but the market each big day system brand dealer sales promotion is in the reasonable range.
In recent years more and more competition, we see, some brand car sells well again and again is price, attention and sales go up and rapid rise in price, stumbling rose up in the consumer distrust the.
Really talking, and now do is pick up Japanese "LouEr" good chance, but avoid by all means is don't pick up consumer confidence lost. Cold and cheerless still lively, in the same attitude treat, can  Renault CAN Clip   create a healthy brand image, so that customers at ease rest assured choice.

