
Test drive experience new Chery Fengyun 2 elm327

Domestic market prices starting in the elm327   50,000-60,000 A0-level models with growing demand, more people desire and need to get a have the basic functions and has a very high cost of travel by car, which gives domestic public own brand brings a very broad space for development, such as Chery, for example, the opening day of listing Guangzhou Auto Show the FY-2. The car can be said masterpiece to meet the above conditions, in this downpipe sibling products which, as just newcomers to join the competition, Can it has to attract the attention of consumers highlights?

Once upon a time, the appearance of all own brand of a flawed, not too small gas is too exaggerated shape always seemed so outdated; For Later they experienced that period designed to mainly rely on "borrowed" time author without further ado, let gratified own brand some pace forward  
Lexia 3 v47   enterprise, now has real digestion and absorption of foreign manufacturers design ideas produced models look more pleasing to the eye, a word for it is "appropriate", like the protagonist .

Appearance, the new FY considerable movement specially: Knife-type headlamps with lens light source appears to be more aggressive, and then with the hood on the "gap" type similar to the style of the new Fox + motivated grille adds a dynamic front-end for the new car trend. Look at the past at the rear, the taillights of the new FY-2 well with the headlights to echo again highlighted this at the wonderful pen. Although relatively straight extension of the trunk well weaken peculiar incongruity of a small sedan, but the hatchback version models seen live at the show the day before, or even more to get the author's favor.

Fengyun-2 center console out a little bulge, reasonable distribution of air conditioning, audio interface buttons, touch screen and the screen area reached the height of luxury models. Test drive the high version models, therefore relatively modest leather fabric, feel soft and hard seat, the seat not to mention  
Volvo Dice Vida  coated but little impact; However, the level with the same set in the control , door trim speaking completely were hard plastic.


