
Jeep Grand Autel MaxiDAS DS708 Cherokee chassis resolve

 Generation Grand Cherokee and Mercedes-Benz ML R & D  Autel MaxiDAS DS708  work has already begun as early as in the period of marriage of Daimler and Chrysler Group's internal chassis Both positioning similar luxury SUV's R & D program is shared. Shortly after Daimler and Chrysler's marriage in 2007 ended in failure, after the new Grand Cherokee and ML R & D is carried out independently. More than two years, Chrysler and Mercedes-Benz have enough time to give each product a unique personality, shape interior and power systems on, they will not be too much the same point

The overall bridge compared to the previous generation of the fourth-generation Grand Cherokee biggest change sedan four-wheel independent suspension, rear suspension from the original suspension changed to a multi-link independent suspension, a new multi-link rear suspension for large cut road performance brought a qualitative change. An independent four-link rear overhang from the figure we can clearly see the structure and separate air springs and shock absorbers is optional pieces. Bearing shock absorbers and air springs under the swing arm with a structure similar to the A-arm, and use lighter aluminum alloy, effectively reducing the unsprung mass, so that the rear wheel has a faster dynamic response.
Four-link with a new design, but the spatial structure and uncomplicated, swing arm link springs and shock absorbers, is mainly responsible for carrying stout A word, while the remaining three link interspersed between the
ds708 scanner   springs and shock absorbers, they are also links on the subframe, while increasing lateral stiffness precise control of wheel angle changes, while the rear anti-roll bar is connected to the base and shock absorbers. Brake disc is the ordinary solid disc, single-piston structure and size in the middle and upper levels, provides the same level of braking effect in the editorial department colleagues generally recognized.
In addition, we can see that the new Grand Cherokee rear suspension air springs and shock absorbers split design, in general, such a design would be more space, but compared to the integrated structure of the shock absorber spring, this arrangement more conducive to improving the carrying capacity of the vehicle. Front suspension structure is the same as the previous-generation models, the layout of the double-wishbone integrated shock absorber spring are more common structure, two A-arm one long, one short of the design is to let the wheels when moving up and down automatically changing the camber angle and to reduce the gauge changing to reduce tire wear, and to make the 
MaxiDAS DS708  wheel as possible ground, thus improving the control performance. Long "claw" and knuckle pillar hinged on the A-arm, but in order to ensure sufficient strength, the front suspension and did not use any of the aluminum alloy, but up and down rocker or punch and emptied lightweight processing .

Chassis contrast of old and new Audi A6L GM Tech2

A bottom view from the front of the chassis between the GM Tech2  generations Vchicles comparison chart, you can see that both the existing differences, the most obvious is the composition of the lower control arm, tie rod by the steering of the machine down, also involved in the suspension lower complete their work on the control, this arrangement also helps to enhance the stability of the wheel. In the upper control arm part, the biggest change is on the control arm bracket directly integrated in the die-casting on the top of the tower, and the old models A6L out a separate bracket. Light weight, number of parts, and compact structure extent, no doubt, the new model is dominant. And the new A6L use die-cast aluminum top of the tower is lightweight purpose of the steel parts of the older models meet the strength requirements.

Change the hydraulic steering system from the original mechanical drive to the motor drive, As for its benefits will not introduce more, most worth mentioning here is turning the machine on the installation location, in the previous models, Steering arranged in the top of the gearbox, or rather should be inside the firewall, steering rod is pulled moving wheel bearing (commonly known as: croissants) top to achieve the rotation of the wheel. The seventh generation of Audi A6L will shift down, based on the changes in the
Gm tech2 scan tool   position of the steering machine installation, the entire front suspension to be moved forward, which is obviously taking into account the vehicle's handling performance. In this regard, A6 but walk in front of A8 "dragged" by W12 engine top A8 models equipped with a W12 engine is still used with the the mechanical hydraulic power steering system with steering function, no installation location changes. Auto show in Beijing, we also issue an interview with the German engineer in charge of the business, he said, in the future, the electronic penetration will become increasingly high.
Dynamic steering system is also fitted on top with models of the Audi A6L, motorists will be able to adjust the sensitivity of the steering wheel through the MMI system to obtain or exercise or comfortable driving experience, of course, there will naturally include electronic booster pump to the steering wheel to provide feedback efforts. Audi dynamic steering system structure with BMW and Toyota's system is essentially different from its core components are the core of the electronic control system of a harmonic gear drive mechanism. The so-called "harmonic gear flexspline rigid wheel and the relative movement of the wave generator, in particular controllable elastic deformation (shape change) of the flexspline to achieve movement and momentum transfer.

Compared to the other brands to rely on the planetary gear set to achieve dynamic steering, the harmonic gear used by the Audi  
gm tech2 Candi  dynamic steering system is a set of structures are widely used in other areas, and it is characterized by simple structure, high load carrying capacity, large transmission ratio; In addition, under the premise of a smooth operation, and its noise suppression is very good.


Fog and haze travel Note VAS 5054A

Tiny respirable air particulate matter, especially children  VAS 5054A    and the elderly, will be doubling the impact would cause great negative impact on our respiratory system, so if there is no particularly urgent thing, it is recommended to minimize outdoor activities, and also please friends remind Mom and Dad home customary morning exercises, these days you pause to exercise it, might as well not go out like air. Also remind friends and forth on the road, preferably with a mask, which may be appropriately reduced air for the human body caused by injury, now online also popular according to the current weather conditions play a the "PM2.5 masks", the price of 5 -20 per hour.
PM2.5 the numerical sources of pollution from industrial production, vehicle exhaust, construction, heating in winter burning coal and other emissions, leading to harmful substances difficult to spread, air quality dropped significantly. From the environment to consider, in this kind of weather should try not to travel by car, thus reducing air pollution. Members may feel a little empty remark out, indeed, from a personal point of view, the car can escape the dense crowd, but here is the air quality is not good, not the flu, even if the car is also exposed to this air, can not escape the respirable particulate matter. But in the meantime, automobile exhaust will exacerbate the accumulation of respirable particulate matter. Here we can only advocate, the relationship between the individual and society can only rely on the consciousness.
1, try not to car windows
As little as possible in such a fog and haze
maxidas ds708   substantial open windows, driving, do not use the car window to ventilation. Although the side windows and the sunroof open a gap role of negative pressure ventilation ventilation, but do not recommend doing so, so there will be respirable particulate matter into the car in the road.
2, open the inner loop
In addition to the windows, air-conditioning system is a direct channel docking with the outside world, the outside air into the car through its impact on the quality of air inside the vehicle. Therefore, it is recommended that the air-conditioning is set to internal circulation, which can effectively reduce respirable particulate matter into the fog and haze. Car for many models equipped with automatic air conditioning, the vehicle starts by default for the outer loop, then please do not forget to look at the inner loop toggle button to switch to the inner loop. Of course, a long period of time cycle will cause the interior air does not circulate the air inside the car is not particularly bad, better than respirable particulate matter into the car better.
3, check the air filter / air conditioning filter
Fog and haze over the engine and the health of the occupants, we shall promptly clean up the air filter and air filter, lest too many tiny 
digimaster 3   particles of silence raises the gas flow in the filter sluggish, causing the engine "boring children "out of the wind and air conditioning abnormal phenomenon.

Takling about a few car BMW GT1 taboos

Brakes mats disservice
The bumped owners all got to ask (microblogging), Mr. Yao 
BMW GT1 embarrassed to get off the view. "I found that the Ottomans to blame." Said Mr. Yao, the new clean, the hard pads, cover the brake and accelerator simultaneously. "I'm a foot brake may Ottomans led the throttle." He explained.
The police soon arrived at the scene, initially identified mat caused a car accident, the responsibility borne entirely by Mr. Yao. Mr. Yao Renzai, immediately contact the insurance company handling. "Blame me wash the car did not see the floor mats, car wash nor gracefully mat." Mr. Yao said.
Mats gracefully is very important
Liang Wei introduced, the mat is very important for drivers. "Best buy according to their own models floor mats, car special." He said, good, market out of some 3D Foot and models consistent, floor mats just stuck in the floor, turn the throttle and brake exposed .
Liang Wei said, If you do not buy and own models fit mats, it is best to buy a soft plastic mats, it will stick to the ground, without affecting cove
volvo vida dice  r clutch, brake and accelerator. Mat for greater impact on a manual transmission car. "Some mats stuck clutch, change can not afford to block that may arise in the process of moving."
"Mats after cleaning to carefully check to see if there is no pressure to the brakes, throttle, brake or not flat affect. Crucial moment of these small details will affect safety." Police Zhuhong Yuan said.
These car small taboos you usually pay attention to this
The day-to-day driving, some small details may affect traffic safety. Yesterday, Jiangbei District Patrol Detachment police Zhuhong far and auto 4S shop technical experts of Chongqing Blockbuster Liang Wei, we summarize some unseen safety hazards.
Steering wheel cover is too loose and slippery
Liang Wei said, a lot of women drivers love decorative car, especially in winter, to install some furry steering wheel cover. If the steering wheel cover big points, not stuck with square plate tray, in case of emergency turn the steering wheel is very easy to slip a security incident.
Barefoot is dangerous to drive
Summer, some owners figure cool, not even shoes to wear on the car. The year before last summer, the City, 120 command 
gm tech2 center had to suffer so together strange car accident. The attached car lift workers Master Liao said, when the male owner avoid a pedestrian in the Yuzhong District Eling Park near the his barefoot Khan, a foot brake skid, the results hit the passers-by.


Driving an earthquake how to drive BMW GT1

Can we let the earthquake felt in the lane, then the BMW GT1   earthquake intensity is certainly not small. First, we should immediately slow down by the roadside parking, pay attention to traffic safety, gradually slow down and stop, and immediately open the double flash (hazard lights). Get off to find a the relatively empty safe place to escape, avoid continued to travel or stay in the car.

Small Cheats: must not stay in high-rise buildings nearby, looking for an empty place to escape. When an earthquake occurs, if in case of bad luck (of course met earthquakes are bad enough) driving your car in these tunnels, dams, viaducts, should safety depart as soon as possible. In case of ground subsidence, not traveling, you should immediately leave the car, find a nearby safe place for temporary refuge, away from the danger zone as quickly as possible (such as tunnels, high-rise next to).

If you are experiencing the earthquake place parking, and the parking lot around skyscrapers, so be sure to get off quickly, Shuangshoubaotou squatted between two vehicles or lie down on the ground. Never stand in the place above the roof, and then safely leave as soon as possible, go to the open space.

Traveling in the car personnel

If you are traveling inside the vehicle, and is still driving them they can not immediately find shelter in a safe place, sitting on the front seat 
volvo vida dice  passengers must wear seat belts, the body tightly against the seat, his hands to protect themselves face.

Passengers sitting in the back should lean forward, hands to protect his head, wearing a seat belt as soon as possible.

Standing passengers should firmly with both hands grasp the handle, pillars or seats, the center of gravity to the squat.

Driving need to pay attention after the earthquake

Really thick to keep order, and quickly drove away from the earthquake-stricken area, and keep the roads open, to fight for the relief work as soon as possible to carry out.

Away from the potential danger of fences, walls, cottage, utility poles, glass curtain wall building after an earthquake caused by the 
digimaster 3   smashed vehicles or harm people place to the next, because the largest earthquake damage occurred in the aftershock of.

Spring guard against fatigue autocom cdp driving

If the sleep time and quality can not guarantee driver  autocom cdp   fatigue may appear at any time. In general, adults need every day to ensure that more than seven hours of sleep, which is the basis of full rest. The car is a spiritual activities of highly concentrated more abundant energy support.
In addition to ensuring the sleep time, sleep quality is also very important. Drunken people at night, even on eight hours of sleep is not enough, because drunk people sleep very shallow, and could easily be interrupted, so drunken dizziness, fatigue the next day is not just the role of alcohol, poor quality of sleep is also reason a.
In addition, some of the physical aspects of the problem will also affect the quality of sleep, such as people who snore sleep quality is not high, these all need to pay attention to. Our reporter He Xiao cutting edge of technology to prevent fatigue driving four and equipment.
Attention Assist System
Attention assist system (fatigue detection system) the use of 
elm 327  computers to collect the operation of the driver of the car, and the driving environment compared to determine the driver's driving state is tired, and then remind motorists through the manipulation of the table display and computer sound system persons.
Lane departure warning system
Nissan, VOLVO, Volkswagen and Mercedes-Benz have introduced a lane departure warning system, the principle is to use the radar scanning the road is located in the front of the body, the white lane marking lines will sound to alert the driver when the vehicle deviates from the white line. If the driver is intentionally driving a car across the lane lines (such as overtaking), the system will not do the reaction.
Identify dynamic obstacles
Body equipment, short-range radar (2-4 meters) and long-range radar (200 meters), to detect the speed of the other vehicles in the front of the vehicle 60 meters, including the crossroads both sides to the car, when potentially dangerous vehicles will automatic braking, the system can not completely avoid the collision, but be able to minimize accident losses.
Automatic full brake system
In case of an emergency, the system will first audible warning to the driver in head-up display on the windshield flashing signal. If the driver warning did not respond, the system determines that a collision is imminent, the car will automatically  
ford vcm ids  full braking. Active brake activation requires a recognized body radar and camera on an object at the same time.


40-50 million luxury SUV USB ELM327 V1.4 Recommended

As Audi's first compact SUV, the Audi Q5 and Tiguan USB ELM327 V1.4 as listed at the beginning to get a lot of attention and praise, while the listing and domestic, the Audi Q5 monthly sales of about 8,000, is so far behind many of the competitors . Of course, to achieve such success, beautiful appearance does occupy a certain reason, but really let him enduring or rely on its all-round performance and design details at the humane.
Audi Q5's exterior looks as if that is a small Q7, but petite body size sedan the appearance of the details of the deal to make him less of promise a Q7 that high above the domineering, but a lot of cars and delicate, elegant temperament, at the same time more rounded The design is also very good real body size to hide up.
The interior of the Audi Q5 follows the previous generation Audi the family interior style, into the car, you can feel the same strain with other Audi models, atmospheric, elegant while there is a bit of a little low-key feel. Certainly the 
OBDII Circuit Board  big surprise of this interior, although not to the initial contact, but definitely stand the test of time, even if open for longer, will not feel boring
Thanks to the higher body design, the Audi Q5 sitting, but the front of the head space is still very spacious, we adjust the seat height to the intermediate level, the normal sitting position, the head space of the test ride height 180MM there are a lot of margin. The 2807mm wheelbase brought a more ample rear space, and commendable high with the Q5's rear seats can also adjust the backrest angle. However, compared to the exterior design of the roof, the back of the head space front a little bit shrink, but overall it is very satisfying.
Trunk space as an SUV Audi Q5's opening is large, the whole trunk is very structured, and equipped with electric switch for smaller ladies, go to the supermarket one way or another in the rear seats fully recline a large appliances completely not any problems. Domestic Q5 is equipped with Volkswagen's famous codenamed the EA888 2.0T direct injection with turbo engine for domestic A4L 2.0T engine, but before 
DigiProg OBD ECU  A4L on Sport models with only the highest equipped with this engine has a high-output version of 350Nm, this engine is standard in the Q5.

100,000 different style obd2 usb hatchback Recommended

French cars, although not really in the suspension  obd2 usb  configuration leading chassis tuning is absolutely first class, to have this adjustment level models, but rare at this price point. With stabilizer bar deformable beam rear suspension movement and comfort is very good balancing, hanging toughness makes shock absorption with a conventional shock quickly filter out and maintain smooth body.
Sega in the last year to do a surgical cosmetic surgery, the former face becomes more three-dimensional, more handsome, and sideways, and tail are still the original look and a high degree of recognition of the tail shape, great personality, a whole hatchback Sega than the sedan version is more dynamic. The interior of the new Sega is still the continuation of the previous design, despite this set of interior design has been used for a few years, but I think we are not tired of watching because it is unique, just as in the home, digital dashboard will be able to gives enough freshness, of course, you still have to get used to for some time use.
Preceding the appearance of the graph we can see the hatchback Sega in order to pursue the rear lines, column C, kept at a 
obd2 center  very powerful, you must be worried about the impact of the car head space, but after the actual measurement experience, hatchback and sedan rear head Ministry of space is basically the same, that is exactly the same as the two vehicles in a car passenger space, the joint venture vehicle of the same price, the performance of this space is relatively good
Very good the new Sega storage space, there are many small storage space in addition to front seat middle of the cup holder, the car, such as the middle of the center console, front and rear door at the front seat driving seat side and so on. New Sega hatchback trunk space been under pressure in the C-pillar design, the overall volume is small, but the opening width and height are very convenient to take place items, 4/6 split rear seats can be guaranteed scalability.
May recommend this 1.6L hatchback new Sega, most people can not satisfied with the engine, because it is difficult to make partial sporty Sega really in motion, and regardless of the cylinder material (cast iron) or use are unspeakable state-of-the-art technology, but this type of engine has the advantage that after 
Wholesale obd2 tools  many years of use inspection, the condition is stable, fewer problems, cheap to maintain.


Fashion Cross cars and small SUV shopping guide

Emerging small SUV models appeared they received  http://uobd2demi.blogspot.com/  worldwide attention, they have the faces of the SUV and superior driving experience, but much lower than the price of a traditional SUV, 10 million people will be able to start a sell and not configured popular small SUV. In this price range, Cross models also not a minority, by raising them on the basis of ordinary hatchback chassis, the installation of off-road style package to achieve the look and closer aptitude SUV, but the driving experience The sedan or less.
The greatest advantage lies in the small SUV is configured driving experience is consistent with real SUV, with models also have some off-road capability of four-wheel drive system, making the vehicle even better performance. At the same time, the small SUV smaller stature in urban driving also seemed at ease now, especially in the parking even than ordinary sedans. In addition, a small SUV car weight control and reasonable direct benefits of urban driving fuel economy, as a scooter, 100 km combined consumption sedan was essentially flat.Ang Kela is typical of small SUV
Cross models available for several years, from the earliest models of Suzuki Tianyu starting this vehicle already by the majority of consumers accepted. This is called "Cross" is sufficient to attract attention, most of them on the basis of the sedan secondary development, increased suspension height to match the larger size wheels and tires, while the increase in body decoration some SUV-style decor, luggage rack. Of course, there are some models of the Cross style design from the outset, such as imported Cross Golf. Their biggest advantage is that a car-like driving experience, steering feel compared to SUV more delicate precision, the Comfort also close to the cars, at the same time increased the chassis so that it has more good by to cope with bad roads than the sedan advantage. In urban driving, the fuel consumption level is http://elm327demi.blogspot.com/   consistent with the displacement of cars and small SUV.
Small SUV and Cross models have the same advantages, most of the models are front-wheel drive and more economical fuel consumption compared to standard SUV. Talking about the various advantages of the small SUV has a more masculine appearance, and even better off-road capability, and Cross models consistent with the sedan handling comfort and little difference, with higher through . Can be described as turnip greens all have love, the key to how you choose.

Travel by car station wagon ADS-1S Scanner Recommended

Station wagon, in English as "Wagon", most of the station ADS-1S Scanner  wagon to sedan cars based on the sedan's trunk elevated to be flush with the roof, largely increase the trunk space. Wagon's charm is that both have car comfort, greater space, more athletic appearance than ordinary cars, station wagon in Europe is a very popular models, especially in the Nordic countries, almost every household owns a station wagon. Up compared with the SUV and MPV Wagon price and use cost less, and has a large space at the same time more smart, easy to drive and park.
BMW 5 Series Travel Edition has a the ordinary sedan version of the BMW 5-Series cars the same driving experience, ensuring plenty of internal space, electric opening and closing the tailgate window opens separately. BMW 5 Series Travel Edition with the new 5 Series family front, front styling with ordinary 5 Series
ADS-1S  is no difference. The body no longer maintain the most original design, more mellow and full rear styling harmony than the previous generation, the rear window can be individually turned on, take the electric tailgate opening and closing, the configuration is very attentive. In addition taillights more angular than the sedan version.
In the interior, the Department the Travel Edition models with the sedan version of the basic, classic BMW in the control layout will not let you have any strangeness. As one of the essential goods wagon, 530i Travel Edition configuration of a large area of ​​the panoramic sunroof, the car parking assist system and blind spot cameras, as well as other configuration with collision warning and active braking dynamic cruise control system.
BMW 530i travel version equipped with a 3.0L engine, the same data with Brilliance BMW 530Li models, maximum power of 258Kw peak torque of 310Nm; engine to match the 8-speed automatic transmission. As one of the highlights of the car, the car also has three driving modes regulatory function, most aggressive Sport mode can be selected through the button in it shift lever to the left of regulation, or the the most 
ADS-1S Price doctrine of Comfort mode, and then select the most fuel-efficient Eco Pro mode. The system through the soft and hard to adjust the suspension, as well as a full range of adjustment of the throttle, brake, steering wheel sensitivity to achieve different effects.


The use of winter tires and Volvo PROSIS promotion

First of all, we need to understand a problem, generally  Volvo PROSIS    in the region of low temperatures, asphalt or cement ground there will be a slight cold shrink, the surface density enhancements also become more slippery the ground, which also is not a small challenge for tire . The a general replacement high-performance modified tire tread focus on grip, especially in the case of cold tires, such conditions can only make a substantial decline in grip. Dike Sa tire upgrade technician told us that, in the cold winter may be appropriate to reduce the tire pressure of the tires to increase tire contact area, so as to get a better grip performance, but too thin or too wide tires, the most appropriate controls based on the tire pressure when the tire model with focus on vehicle factory standard tire pressure. And is not recommended to use hot melt tire line Street Senior modified car owners in the winter, hot melt tire tread less, mainly hot melt block drainage in general, can not reach its operating temperature in the low-temperature environment, greatly reduced grip performance and braking performance.
To cope with the low temperature cold but in northern general driver, more importantly, also challenges the icy and snowy roads. The northeast region, just after the winter under the snow even spring flowers can also put a higher demand for everyday driving. Dike Sa technicians tell us that the general performance tire upgrade
SI-Reset BMW  for the whole season or summer tires, so the optimum operating temperature should remain above 7 degrees Celsius, while the optimum operating temperature is below 7 degrees Celsius in the international community should be known as winter tires. Winter tires compared to summer tires formulations to softer, deeper tread depth, so easy to improve the basic grip performance in general snow pavement, snow tires compared to the general winter and all-season tires grip grooved a greater number of , drainage stronger, so if you need to walk a long time, it is recommended that in the snow more local replacement for the winter or snow tires, to ensure safety.
Ice of Rui customers BLIZZAK Bridgestone Corporation in Japan, the most popular winter tires, especially snow swirling in Hokkaido, ice sharp customer the highest utilization rate. The smaller special design in the ground plane, off the ice sharp resistance, particularly applicable to the general snow surface, non-symmetrical pattern can improve the steering and traction on slippery surfaces, braking force. At the 
toyota id4c key  same time, ice sharp customer can also provide technical style of tire Bridgestone RFT tires in the state of lack of air walking.

Some of the things on the turbo X-431 Diagun

The exhaust gas turbocharger (Turbo Charger)  X-431 Diagun  is the use of exhaust gas energy to pressurize the accelerator device, as the most common motivation, improving the dynamic performance and fuel consumption has a noteworthy place.
The turbine has an irresistible magic word for many people. Indeed, turbocharged engine thanks to its distinctive works, it has excellent power per liter of performance, the NA cars relative to the same power, the same power output data and non-extreme conditions of use, fuel consumption may not than NA cars. Moreover, its biggest advantage is the upgrade to the convenience of the original have modified the performance improvement potential, comparable to this is not the naturally aspirated engine.
The turbo's main role is to improve the engine intake air, thereby enhancing the power and torque of the engine, so the car more energetically. Engine fitted with a turbocharger, compared to its maximum power is not installed turbocharger 
sbb key programmer   can increase by 40% or even higher. This means that the same units engine after supercharger capable of producing more power. Take our most common 1.8T turbocharged engine, after pressurization after the power can reach the level of the 2.4L engine, but fuel consumption than the 1.8 engine is not much higher, on another level, is to improve fuel economy and lower emissions.
Turbocharged engine seems a bit complicated for the average person, but as long as you understand the principle of turbo, whether single Turbo, or double-Turbo, even in the form of four Turbo, the purpose of the work process, and the original are the same. Simple statement of the principle, nothing more than the use of the heat generated by the engine after the explosion stroke, high-speed exhaust energy of the exhaust gas discharged from the cylinder through the special shape of the exhaust banana, flowing into the exhaust side of the turbine and to promote the exhaust side of the turbine blades rotation, while coaxially with the exhaust gas side of the turbine blade connected gas-side compression impeller, interested flowing through the style of exhaust gas after compression, and 
AUTOCOM CDP Pro   after central cooler (Intercooler) cooling the compressed gas, with a certain pressure, and high density. fresh air flowing through the throttle valve and the intake manifold into the cylinder combustion


MG5 contrast Sega with the 4AT Autocom CDP Pro

Currently compact class Jiajiao design increasingly Autocom CDP Pro  favor of younger and movement, launched only a few years of the MG brand MG6, MG3 and MG5 are sporty representatives. And to MG5 This opponent is Sega Rally descent, these two cars have motile cells, two cars 4AT automatic transmission and the transmission, and other aspects of what is the difference, take a look below.

The MG5 can be regarded as MG family looks the most personality of a vehicle, MG3 and MG6 give you an impression of the place is never their face, while the different MG5, a Hengmeilengdui faces is that it is the most iconic the 
Autocom Cdp Pro 2012 design of the. Although there are a lot of people think that the MG5 faces some difficult to get close, but I think It is designed not showing from the front face of the MG5, not only is the design concept of the family-oriented, there are even more vivid verve.

 Do not know from the the family front face design has penetrated many brands, perhaps only way to be reflected in the vast traffic into their models "capitalists" at this point Citroen is no exception. Fortunately, the Citroen launched the family is not ugly, full of three-dimensional shape is very attractive to the eye.

 Dynamic, first I start from the engine, the two vehicles the MG5 use of pure aluminum engine weight compared Sega cast iron cylinder accounted for some of the advantages. Furthermore two engine torque Sega, compared to the earlier outbreak, more suitable for driving in the city, and Sega 142Nm maximum torque MG5 more than a 7Nm, but this difference is almost negligible. It can be said that the engine from a basic difference between the two cars on the parameters.

Both cars gearbox 4-speed automatic 
Autocom Cdp Pro For Trucks transmission in the current six-speed almost become the mainstream of the situation, and indeed some are too backward, Sega's 4-speed transmission also offers a manual mode, this is indeed stronger than MG5 . Little difference in two-car tire, MG5 provides a full-size spare tire, more kind.


120,000 personalized automatic family cars ADS-1S

Today's automotive life, buy youngest  ADS-1S  samples can only be considered to meet the minimum automobile life - to travel, and travel demand absolutely has to keep up with the pace of the times. When the car put on a sports coat, everything becomes different, higher retention rates, the beauty of the praise, peer recognition, as well as choosing cars confident doubling, let's take a look at just 12 million easily won eight automatic movement range of children family cars.
Philippine Xiang a both with Italy, the United States and China, the "half-breed" indeed seems maverick in appearance. Fiat - Chrysler, CUSW platform, and the appearance of both but American cars and Italian cars descent and Chinese consumer attitudes consistent design in the appearance on the relatively conservative.
Interior design is basically a replica of the Dodge Dart, not made after the Philippine Xiang more for a re-design in beige and black color, Chinese consumers prefer a color, Philippines Xiang and more models are closer to the practical aspects 
ADS-1S Price  of the home system comes standard with the 1.4 liters of turbocharged T-Jet engine, which is one of the biggest highlights of Philippine Xiang. Tuning of the output to provide the level of two different versions. Low-power versions of the maximum power of 120 horsepower, peak torque came 206N.m, high-power version of the maximum power of 150 horsepower and maximum torque 230N.m, co-ordinated with the 5-speed manual and quick-drying double-clutch gearbox The dual-clutch may bid 350N.m torque.
Think Ming uses the same platform as the eighth generation Civic, there are only two models is a 1.8L automatic configuration there is a manual transmission. Presumably understand Honda's friends think Ming who have seen the shadow of the eighth generation the sundial Civic's, so the appearance of saving a lot of expenses for those who suffer from upgrading the Civic TYPE-R fans, just simply replacement TYPE-R front and rear bumpers. Even if not replaced, I seems to think Ming's appearance compared to the eighth generation Civic younger many.
Into thinking Ming's car, blocked 
Volvo Dice Vida  steering wheel LOGO, you must think that you are sitting in the car of the Civic, and even the interior of the material using the same with the Civic, it can be said directly moved here. Although plastic flooded the compartment, but the workmanship and texture no less.



Picke the right tail OR spoiler

Tail now is not anything new, the installation is not difficult, I think has become the most popular body sticker outside ornaments. Why do you say that? Empennage of general models, five hundred dollars transaction, cheap easy to install, install tail, and most of my friends are for aesthetics, of course, the role of the tail is not just this.
    In the end how to call?
    First of all, we need to know in the end this piece on the rear of the small things how they call it? There are many folk called, the most common is the "tail", but some friends a little professional that will "tail" is called the "spoiler". In some of the information which the "tail" and "spoiler" is different. "Tail" of larger, installed at the rear of the vehicle, while the smaller spoiler, installed in the roof of the rear more generally hatchback.

Some information in the "tail" on the left, on the right "spoiler

   Large tail performance represented?
   The answer to this question is: depends on the large rear wing mounted on what the car body. Performance interested friends, you should always be able to note that this figure, after substantial power conversion car, will be appropriate to install a large rear wing, this seems to be a high-powered modified car specified action. Each performance behind the image, there must be a large tail in silent support. Many involved in track racing modified cars, big tail essential

In view of this, some enthusiastic performance friends also began to follow suit, large rear wing installed on their car. Of course, few of their cars on the track open most of the time is used for commuting or occasional highway. History again surprisingly similar: the reality and the ideal is often there is a gap. As other parts of the car and not transformed, so in exchange for the visual effect is not too coordinated.



The snow experience huatai Bao Li-Ge Volvo Dice Vida

Active safety features such as ESP (vehicle stability system), the Volvo Dice Vida role often safety hazards can be stifled, or reduce the loss, even as a netizen said: ESP, a possible life with less than one configuration, with time may be in possession of your life. "After the luxury features eye-catching ball after independent brands have also begun to pay attention to active safety features, such as us this Huatai treasure league, ESP and TCS (Traction Control) with the low adhesion of snow on top of the same able ensure safety.

 Test the significance of the snow and ice: many users feel without coming south to the snow and ice roads, for instance sub-station in Guangzhou colleagues, Changzhemetai, never seen snow. Chose the snow environment, a high standards and strict requirements of the ESP and other electronic systems, able to calmly deal with so low adhesion bad road, then the problem of our day-to-day driving encounter naturally goes without saying.

Low adhesion of ice and snow means 
Volvo dice vida 2011A  wheelspin, Po league Close the ESP, the integrated TCS which also lost, not targeted electronic system, the vehicle will appear engines roar and the speed it is difficult to increase the output power mostly into the the tires desperately scratching left deep marks.

The open ESP TCS function recovery started slipping still appear short, will limit the power output of the engine and TCS intervention, no matter how deep the accelerator pedal is depressed, the speed can only be honest stay at 2000 rpm up and down. Pulled up speed, starting after the slight slide certainly is the fastest, TCS intervene only in order to ensure the start smoothly, and to avoid excessive loss of momentum out a mandatory means.

TCS intervene in some brand cars, mandatory restrictions on power output efforts will directly vehicles are four wheel fully recover from a skid that speed low power output can not start in the snow and ice and other low-grip road, making the desert regional turnaround must turn off the ESP. Po league of this TCS 
Autocom CDP Pro moderate intensity, ice and snow, at least in our experience, regardless of the throttle pedal How deep can make speed to keep up and down at 2000 rpm, the the 1.8T engine speed also has a good dynamic performance.

Test drive the new Mazda CX-9 MaxiDAS DS708

 Mazda on the definition of "soul moving: innovative MaxiDAS DS708 new design theme, showing a strong dynamic. As if aimed the goals suddenly jumped gesture - like ancient Japanese Kendo surprise of the moment, and as if the fatal blow cheetah locked prey after a sudden force. The power of this moment full of throbbing hearts and no unparalleled sense of beauty. At the outbreak of the moment, showing the strong force, the sense of speed, awe-inspiring tension, natural beauty, and is difficult to resist the temptation

Mazda CX-9 is a little strange for many car buyers in overseas markets, however, it has a very good sales, Mazda CX-9 in more than 70 countries and regions in North America, Australia and other cumulative sales over 230,000 units Mazda CX-9's main selling point is a large space, very much in line with the needs of car buyers in North America, the same space special preferences of domestic consumers, Mazda CX-9 also appears to have a nice attractive.
First-generation Mazda CX-9 launched in 2007, Mazda's first seven large SUV for the North American market, Mazda CX-9 is shared with the Ford Edge Ford CD3 vehicle platforms, the body longer than 5 meters , is the flagship 
ds708 scanner model Mazda CX series, the main competitor to the Ford Edge, the Infiniti JX Toyota Highlander, Buick Enclave models. So far, CX-9 has undergone a facelift twice to adopt a new family of mask in Mazda, this full-size SUV facelift ushered in the third.

Whole new generation of Mazda CX-9 in the 2012 Guangzhou Motor Show officially listed the entire department is only a vehicle equipped with a 3.7L V6 naturally aspirated engine, matched 6-speed automatic transmission and full-time four-wheel-drive system, the vehicle is priced at 439,000 yuan. The biggest highlight of the new car is a Mazda design concept of "soul moving. Future Mazda's future models will also adopt this new design theme.
New generation of Mazda CX-9 
Autel MaxiDAS DS708  uses the latest design concept of "soul moving", compared to the old models, the front air grille and headlights are using new styling, soft and rich muscular lines, showing a more tension visual effects, and a new generation of the Mazda 6 and CX-5 is exactly the same. Whole new generation of Mazda CX-9 body length and breadth were: 5096/1936/1728 (mm), Wheelbase: 2875 (mm), this body size has some advantages compared to competitors.


New car obd2 tool practical conservation coup recommended

Windows open for ventilation is a must, but it takes  obd2 tool  a long time. In addition, many of the parts of the new car plastic bag protection, some owners prefer to try to keep the case does not affect the use of new car feel without having to dismantle, in fact, these plastic packaging must be dismantled, or internal harmful gases difficult comes out.

Place something with adsorption. Fruits and vegetables, then you can select a grapefruit, pineapple, lemon, orange, onion, adsorption ability, and its own distributing fruity odors at the same time improve the air inside the car. It is worth noting that if you use whole pieces of fruits and vegetables must be cut, rotten, then you need to replace it immediately. When the vehicle rides at anchor without using, you can place a bowl of vinegar in the car. Vinegar can absorb formaldehyde, formaldehyde also stable. In addition, activated  
Autel MaxiDAS DS708 carbon, charcoal bag, also the owners are the usual dizzy

In addition, we need to get out of the two misunderstandings. First, perfume or air fresheners only cover the scent car taste, taste the elimination of no effect. Second, do not deliberately avoid the sun. The sun, the car formaldehyde and other harmful gases will be more active comes out of favor faster to reduce the formaldehyde content. Of course, a long time under the bright light exposure is to avoid.

As temperatures rise, the paste does not film, how to foil, also the new owners are concerned about the problem. The market is flooded with all kinds of car film, but experts said "In fact, the film is good or bad of the car is hand and eye can distinguish."

Film to get a car in the hands of  
MaxiDAS DS708 the first to see its clarity, poor quality film appears to have gray feeling. Can then stroking the car film, high-quality film feels thick smooth feel inferior film is thin and easy to wrinkle. Transparent layer of film on the back of the car, can also be opened with a hard object program about the poor quality of the film's fade more serious. Quality film back generally there will be a watermark, which can also be used as security signs to help owners of judgment. Car film quality good pass, choose to go to a large-scale, word-of-mouth good car beauty shop film can be.