
Fog and haze travel Note VAS 5054A

Tiny respirable air particulate matter, especially children  VAS 5054A    and the elderly, will be doubling the impact would cause great negative impact on our respiratory system, so if there is no particularly urgent thing, it is recommended to minimize outdoor activities, and also please friends remind Mom and Dad home customary morning exercises, these days you pause to exercise it, might as well not go out like air. Also remind friends and forth on the road, preferably with a mask, which may be appropriately reduced air for the human body caused by injury, now online also popular according to the current weather conditions play a the "PM2.5 masks", the price of 5 -20 per hour.
PM2.5 the numerical sources of pollution from industrial production, vehicle exhaust, construction, heating in winter burning coal and other emissions, leading to harmful substances difficult to spread, air quality dropped significantly. From the environment to consider, in this kind of weather should try not to travel by car, thus reducing air pollution. Members may feel a little empty remark out, indeed, from a personal point of view, the car can escape the dense crowd, but here is the air quality is not good, not the flu, even if the car is also exposed to this air, can not escape the respirable particulate matter. But in the meantime, automobile exhaust will exacerbate the accumulation of respirable particulate matter. Here we can only advocate, the relationship between the individual and society can only rely on the consciousness.
1, try not to car windows
As little as possible in such a fog and haze
maxidas ds708   substantial open windows, driving, do not use the car window to ventilation. Although the side windows and the sunroof open a gap role of negative pressure ventilation ventilation, but do not recommend doing so, so there will be respirable particulate matter into the car in the road.
2, open the inner loop
In addition to the windows, air-conditioning system is a direct channel docking with the outside world, the outside air into the car through its impact on the quality of air inside the vehicle. Therefore, it is recommended that the air-conditioning is set to internal circulation, which can effectively reduce respirable particulate matter into the fog and haze. Car for many models equipped with automatic air conditioning, the vehicle starts by default for the outer loop, then please do not forget to look at the inner loop toggle button to switch to the inner loop. Of course, a long period of time cycle will cause the interior air does not circulate the air inside the car is not particularly bad, better than respirable particulate matter into the car better.
3, check the air filter / air conditioning filter
Fog and haze over the engine and the health of the occupants, we shall promptly clean up the air filter and air filter, lest too many tiny 
digimaster 3   particles of silence raises the gas flow in the filter sluggish, causing the engine "boring children "out of the wind and air conditioning abnormal phenomenon.

