
Spring guard against fatigue autocom cdp driving

If the sleep time and quality can not guarantee driver  autocom cdp   fatigue may appear at any time. In general, adults need every day to ensure that more than seven hours of sleep, which is the basis of full rest. The car is a spiritual activities of highly concentrated more abundant energy support.
In addition to ensuring the sleep time, sleep quality is also very important. Drunken people at night, even on eight hours of sleep is not enough, because drunk people sleep very shallow, and could easily be interrupted, so drunken dizziness, fatigue the next day is not just the role of alcohol, poor quality of sleep is also reason a.
In addition, some of the physical aspects of the problem will also affect the quality of sleep, such as people who snore sleep quality is not high, these all need to pay attention to. Our reporter He Xiao cutting edge of technology to prevent fatigue driving four and equipment.
Attention Assist System
Attention assist system (fatigue detection system) the use of 
elm 327  computers to collect the operation of the driver of the car, and the driving environment compared to determine the driver's driving state is tired, and then remind motorists through the manipulation of the table display and computer sound system persons.
Lane departure warning system
Nissan, VOLVO, Volkswagen and Mercedes-Benz have introduced a lane departure warning system, the principle is to use the radar scanning the road is located in the front of the body, the white lane marking lines will sound to alert the driver when the vehicle deviates from the white line. If the driver is intentionally driving a car across the lane lines (such as overtaking), the system will not do the reaction.
Identify dynamic obstacles
Body equipment, short-range radar (2-4 meters) and long-range radar (200 meters), to detect the speed of the other vehicles in the front of the vehicle 60 meters, including the crossroads both sides to the car, when potentially dangerous vehicles will automatic braking, the system can not completely avoid the collision, but be able to minimize accident losses.
Automatic full brake system
In case of an emergency, the system will first audible warning to the driver in head-up display on the windshield flashing signal. If the driver warning did not respond, the system determines that a collision is imminent, the car will automatically  
ford vcm ids  full braking. Active brake activation requires a recognized body radar and camera on an object at the same time.

