
Check the selection of the new car launch x431

Mention a new car is the happiest moment of every family, and how many new cars launch x431   to pick a best new car? Reporter through interviews with people in the industry, summed up the 11 must-see mention car parts.
Choose a new car, you should first look at the appearance of the car. FAW Toyota Motor Co., Ltd., a new car quality inspector said: "Consumers can request to pick between the two of the same model car, pay attention to body gap and paint Emphasis was placed on the bumper and body gap. Opened the door and observed no color inside and outside the paint. , it is best observed in the sun paint. qualified paint should be smooth cellulite-free water ripples flaws. "
The mechanical parts of the mechanical parts, the first of course is to look at the engine, the quality inspector, told reporters: "The good work of the engine should look no grease responsive startup sensitive runtime is not shaking, no sharp noise or non-fixed frequency noise. touch the hood, no significant vibration, got into the car, basically can not hear the engine noise at work parts for engine oil should be clean and free of grease. the check good engine oil, brake oil, direction boost oil well Coolant and Windshield cleaning fluid liquid level. understand the state of the battery by observing the battery 
renault can clip status indication, green indicates good condition and electric storage battery is sufficient if it is black or white, the power storage is insufficient even damaged, best be replaced as soon as possible. "
Car under the ground watching the engine may wish to take a look at the ground under the car after running for some low the body, to see if there are signs of anhydrous grease.
Tire normal new car tires should be without any damage to the tire wall, especially the front tire wall. The tread without pinning traces, to the front and rear tires lanugo intact, in addition to using the same method to check the spare tire.
Door "qualified new car door should switch to force uniform, no abnormal noise. Intact airtight rubber closed can feel closed, and the door in the last paragraph of the trip will be similar to the suction power of closing the door, the lower edge of the car door frame paint surface intact. "
Interior inspection of the interior, the most important thing is to keep it clean, such as handles and interior lights around. Interior lighting should be working properly. The scene to remove the seat packaging white / plastic packaging, check the original leather seat cover ailments. Water cup holder and glasses lid easily damaged parts should ensure that the functionality intact.
Car keys and a new car is generally in addition to the two car keys, key code strip a and plastic key mold a used with keys and emergency.
The lighting system lighting system including vehicle front and rear lights, headlights, front and rear turn signals, showing the wide lights, front fog lights, brake lights, night after lamps, reversing lights and rear fog to see lights should be checked.
Tools Huatong, FAW Toyota 4S shop
VAS 5054A  sales staff told reporters: "Under normal circumstances the new car is equipped with a triangular signs demolition hook in the back of the trunk lid, orange jack, dual-purpose screwdriver, small wrench, wheel covers, to change the tire positioning bolts can not be less, and the best to try. "

