
Automatic car SI-Reset BMW maintenance correctly points

More and more people favor while automatic SI-Reset BMW   models, maintenance frequency of the automatic transmission is also rising. Industry experts point out that most of the owners is not clear how reasonable maintenance, repair, automatic transmission. Often until it needs to be repaired, only to find the original, its maintenance costs are even higher than the repair of the engine. We are more or less daily car encountered some problems on the transmission and the engine, there are some errors.

Myth: without oil change

Many owners did not develop to replace the automatic transmission oil awareness. And replacement of inferior oil and non-oil change by model, automatic transmission can lead to short-lived.

Myth: deterioration before changing

The automatic transmission oil replacement 
Autre key maker automobile    cycle based on the number of kilometers traveled, or use the time to prevail, if the vehicle owner's manual is not marked in accordance with 60000 to 80000 km mileage to replace.

Myth: two oil changes the way

Hand for easy operation, less time-consuming, the disadvantage is that the oil change is not complete, and only let go of one-quarter to one-third of the old oil, about 4 liters.

"Machine for" The whole process takes about 1 hour, need oil about 12 liters. The approach has the advantage of this oil change is Huanyou more thoroughly, it is possible to let go of more than 85% of the old oil.

It is worth noting that the two Huanyou methods should in the case of starting the engine. Replacement of the automatic transmission fluid, when the operation must be in the state of the hot car, before replacement should be traveling more than 20 minutes, not cold car Huanyou. Oil change to start the engine, put the 
VW 3-Button Remote Key gear toggle back and forth from the P block to the N, D, L1, L2 gear, and then began to change the oil.

