
The owners need to be aware of VAG-Com five self-study

Small problems: Ignition morning found   VAG-Com  insufficient battery energy, up struggling starter.

Small coup: take a bottle of hot water down on the battery, turn off all electrical equipment, including shut the door. Etc. 5-10 minutes ignition to start the car and then change the batteries go.

Small problems: morning to launch the car shake.

Small coup: because the bad work of the individual cylinder valve closed lax on the high speed that running is a way, but the fee money, in block 3 or 4-speed on high-speed multi-run for a while, the effect is the same. Hot car jitter but shift ring true, there may be uneven injector fuel injection quantity, the need to detect cleaning.

Small problems as before: feel the brakes easy to use.

Small coup: a red light, with great foot kicks brake can be effective.

Small problems: vehicle deviation.

Small coup: the deviation of the direction of the front wheels to increase the pressure or another direction of the tire to lower pressure.

Small problems 5: The door handle is loose or turn the key becomes tight, astringent.

Small coup: Open the front door, the 
Volvo PROSIS    side you will see a plastic cover from the open to see inside a screw loose a few laps from the outside will be able to pull out the lock cylinder, which has a cable buckle handle, adjust PULL tightness. After the screws of the door seal blocked off, hands pushing the lock cylinder inside coated with grease before installation, so that the door handle and the lock will be easily restored as ever.

