
How to choose their own Tacho Pro

Chassis role is support, installation automotive  Tacho Pro engine and its components, the assembly and the formation of the overall shape of the car, and to accept the power of the engine, the car produces sports, ensure normal driving. Chassis drive system, driving system, steering lines and brake Department consists of four parts.

In the car when if you saw a series of car chassis parameters and confused it saw a variety of data and do not know it? Chassis (this thematic said the chassis do not include the engine, transmission and some other equipment, etc., to tell the story in the car 12 Diary) for a car and how the meaning of it, the performance of its car in the end how much ? The chassis is as soft as possible or the harder the better? Topic Chassis several important parameters and components give Xiangjie you tailor your own

Here about the role and performance of the suspension:

The principle of the shock absorbers

The suspension is the first step of the 
SMPS MPPS v5  modified plan of most people, and suspension modifications are usually started by a the facelift set of hard shock absorbers. The main function of the spring is used to eliminate vibrations passing through the uneven road, Now With eliminate vibration spring, then again shock absorbers do it?

Shock absorbers, it is not to be used to support the weight of the body but is used to suppress the the shock rebound after spring shock-absorbing and absorbing road impact energy. If you drive through the broken car shock absorbers, you can experience the car through every pothole, ups and downs after the rest of the rippling wave bounce, the shock absorber is used to suppress the bounce. No shock absorbers will not be able to control the rebound of the spring, the car will have serious bounce encounter rough road, when cornering will spring up and down the shock caused by the tire grip loss of fertility and tracking. The ideal situation would be to take advantage of the shock absorbers to the bounce 
V-Checker V500 of the spring is limited in time.

