
Pay attention to gm tech2 wash the dust

After the dust weather, many owners will choose to timely  gm tech2  cleaning the vehicle before the car wash, but always take the car go? When the window on a thick layer of topsoil on the driver's line of sight constitutes a barrier, be sure to clean up before driving in order to ensure safe driving on the road many owners would habitually to prepare a duster in the car, but most owners ignore off point: fluff duster adsorption sand and dust, if this duster to wipe the body paint, is tantamount to with sandpaper paint the friction, it is clear that the protection of the paint is very unfavorable.
But simply in order to clear the surface dust on the car glass, a lot of the easy way owners prefer in with wipers sweep away the dust on the front windshield, but this practice does not hurt to window glass, rubber wipers relatively fragile, often with sand the friction make rubber aging rate much faster and early cracks, resulting in the decline of the wipers sweeping effect. The is protected wipers purpose, we do not propose to force sweeping dust on the windshield wipers.
Another reason is: do not recommend the windshield wipers clean surface dust owners let the easy way to hurry off to clean up  
volvo vida dice   only after the front windshield, completely ignoring the line of sight of the side windows and rear windshield is still affected by surface dust, while driving cause quite a serious security risk.
Cleaned with a duster, you should also remember to front and rear windshield, side windows and exterior mirrors on the lens surface dust should clean, maintain all angles of sight is not affected.
If the body of the vehicle is the accumulation of dust, especially thick, has affected the lighting effect of the front and rear lights, before driving, but also make headlamps, fog lamps and cleaning out the dust of the taillight part, in addition to the license plate part have to check, or because The dust surface dust causes involving licensing illegal deducted 12 points, too uneconomical.
Also in the body is full of dust, you should avoid the use of the power windows, sunroof and mirrors folding exterior moving parts, because the gap of these moving parts residue sand or dust may cause mechanical The structure of excessive wear, resulting in local abnormal sound or functional damage.
Well, now we have that affect driving safety surface dust cleaned, you can now secure in the road looking for a car wash, then we talk about the car wash techniques, we can get attention, car wash price is gone up, but the
mb star c3   level of service really let you rest assured you? Next we have provided some washing techniques, you might as well keep it for reference.

