
Vehicle BMW GT1 weight reduction modifications

Most people will embark on a modification   BMW GT1   of no return, to explore the reasons, the most important thing is not satisfied with the dynamic performance of the car, so I hope to achieve the purpose of strengthening the power output by retrofitting. To strengthen the power of the method are many naturally aspirated converted from the basis of the intake and exhaust pipes expand Bore increased displacement, turbocharged enthusiasts replacement of the the heavyweight turbine generous upgrade to these modifications means indeed increased dramatically the performance of the car, but relative to the price paid is also staggering, not all people can afford to play. How to get under a limited budget a certain amount of performance improvement, weight reduction is a relatively economical choice.
Many owners hope to be modified to achieve the purpose to strengthen the power output, but they are reluctant to make any changes to the engine, afraid modified durability will greatly reduce spend money but also fear the day the car will suddenly out of the situation. Therefore, in addition to the basic intake and exhaust modifications, and the other is to obtain a better dynamic response lightweight components modified by the vehicle weight reduction techniques, in the case of power is not a substantial upgrade, get more than the original superior power to weight ratio.
Lightweight advantages in addition to  
lexia 3 pp2000  let the car better performance, accompanied by the second advantage is the fuel consumption will follow reduced. Vehicle weight for a lighter in the same output power the engine is a lighter load.
Lightweight another advantage is that the stability of the vehicle's handling can improve the chassis weight does alleviate the vehicle is in motion bumpy due chassis weight reduction caused by the inertia of the reciprocating actuator dampers weakened, the entire anti- The oscillator strength of a significant weakening of the body will be more stable.
Understanding of the advantages of lightweight, the next step is to understand the precautions selection of lightweight components. In fact, the lightweight components in the purchase on the most important point is that the parts themselves material strength. Lightweight components and more generally for the 6-series aluminum alloy, high strength 7075 material, just 7075 unit price of materials, it is generally more difficult to accept.
Generally available in the market to buy lightweight parts, the first thought must be lightweight rim. The lightweight shaft the rim addition to the suspension system can reduce the load has adversely reduce inertia rotary significance of, and after replacing the lightweight flywheel will be able to make a better engine response on the same principle. The braking system is the same reason in the arena, we can often see the carbon fiber brake discs plus examples of ultra-lightweight magnesium alloy rim. The first step, it is strongly recommended from the rim to start making lightweight modified. Purchase of such components in addition to pay attention to the material, as well as a focus on is to look at the rim indicated load value. Generally recommended load value of 600kg lightweight rim, and better able to take into account the strength. A group of outstanding lightweight rims. About car can help you relieve 20kg weight can be regarded as a lightweight  
Lexia 3 v47   modification among the most cost-effective. Do not forget to purchase lightweight rim together purchased lightweight wheel rim screws weight as much as possible to reduce your car. Of course, if your funds are wealthy, with the acquisition of aluminum alloy tripod aluminum brake calipers. Brake disc modification is also effective in reducing vehicle weight for the original ventilated disc brake disc inside the heat communicate often 48 the competitive modified parts 24.

