
Fast driving methods through corners

1 by the general a curve, select the first outside of the inside and then outside turn route:
Both want to quickly turn through the corners you do not want to produce too much centrifugal force will turn the corner Road must make full use of the width of the road, try to tend to the straight line sweeping turn, and so, in turn before the start of into the corner against the outside of the corners to the middle when traveling against the inside of the curve, that is the top of the arc in the corners should be close to the corners of the inside running over bend the top of the key, and then cut back to the outside of the corners and exit corners against the outside of the corners, you want to select the "outside - inside - outside turn route when cornering.
2 master the the "slow CNPC faster cornering principle:
Not yet into the corner, and still keep straight, it should be the first step on the brakes so the car deceleration, if the bend is more anxious, you should further reduce the speed, at the same time need to first drop a gear; low speed into the corner, first select turn routes and correction direction, then step on the gas, because the the vehicle acceleration causes the center of gravity moved to the front slightly raised, the steering wheel becomes lighter, the rear wheels will also appear a little horizontal sliding, the car can be as simple as turning; When you see the end of the curve, the steering wheel back positive, and in recognition of road safety, fuel door fast out of the corners on it.
3, through the blind corners Methods:
Blind corners is to look at the less than export corners. Traveling on blind corners, see less than bend the end of the traffic situation, you must first reduce the speed driving, and not according to the way of ordinary corners. In order to avoid the accident to the vehicle must be traveling against the edge of the road, through the left curve, the car should be traveling along the outside of the corners and through the right corner, the car should be along the curve within side driving, once you can see the corners exports lane change, correction direction, according to the first outside of the inside and then outside, refueling door accelerate away from the corners.
4, through the method of the composite curve:
The composite curve is a curve composed by two or more corners. Through complex corners, the focus is to ensure that the last corner, in order to leave the corners in the final bend at the exit. First, to reduce the speed into the first corner of imports, according to the first outside of the inside and then outside after traveling on each corner, during which you can add a little throttle through the last corner, Once you see the export curve can correct direction, full acceleration, a straight line to leave the corners.


Share Fox 1.8MT shift technology

Small blessing body a little overweight, the recommended starting speed stability in 1200, eyes staring at the tachometer lift the clutch speed out on to add a little oil, but it should not be increased too far, of course, to test sites footwork, ha ha, as long as the throttle can stabilize, a small blessing will quietly slip away from the port to sail from afar .......... Requirements: the tachometer pointer of the whole process like 1200 rpm on the nail in a motionless. Recommended practice hard exercise adapt the tool is a the Men Chinese tradition and strengths.
Plus two files: a small blessing a gear ratio of 3.582, compared to other adjacent stalls comparison distinctive personality, quite different from the figure of the gearbox condition can be seen, a file must be higher than 3300 rpm it may add to second gear, can keep the engine at 2000 rpm or more, or add the file after the engine speed below 2000 rpm, and acceleration is more strenuous. The ideal is a file pulled to 4000 rpm, which is also in line with the driving habits of Europeans and Americans, foreigners started pulling to 5000 rpm on. Chinese people have a love cars complex is relatively gentle, and then on the election of 3300 rpm it can not go any lower, otherwise a small blessing will be very meat and refueling also do not have access to the force put on second gear easy jitter violent earthquake, this time belong to the low-speed high-grade The damage to the car.
Requirements: a file pulled about 3300 rpm, stuffy clutch upshift upshift just files on the second gear position by applying a continuous gentle into the file force is slightly heavier than the close feeling this time waiting, waiting for? Wait two file synchronization gear friction with the intermediate shaft synchronization force, of course you add synchronization fast, but faster wear, and does not make sense, because we use the idle time waiting for this time is the speed from 3300 The turn fell to about 2000 rpm, remember this time, in their own ways few silent in the heart, you become a small blessing hand file master key.  

In other words during this time as long as Riga file completed like shifting process this time using more fully as possible, the longer the role of the more gentle synchronizer ring, the less wear, long as you finish it no need to push hard, lightning because the final outcome is to have to almost 2000 rpm or so lost the clutch, otherwise lift earlier car forward suddenly and jitter, also have a great impact on the clutch must be half linkage to weaken discomfort feeling to stall early forced into useless, gentle suppress carefully appreciate the file transmission ripe own feeling of being sucked to enjoy a small blessing.  

Why almost two thousand rpm before they lost the clutch? Of course, according to the data, look at the condition diagram, second gear two thousand rpm speed with a speed of more than three thousand turn quite lightning speed speed changes little lower this time depress the clutch after almost negligible, so The speed one place you can feet free to move to the edge of a only then put on the floor, let the clutch own bounce, do not have to consider what clutch combining high and low points hard to find the problem, this time the clutch superfluous. This cool action temporarily called fly together, as long as the speed with speed matching shift fly together and fixed in place does not start the engine of the car fly together on the clutch for the same (relatively static).

 If you do place the shift action like you totally do not feel any strange, tachometer and speedometer will not beat followed naturally refueling continuation of acceleration before the shift to continue to fill the gap to accelerate in the adjacent car your car.


The method to prevent body appear rust

Opened 2023 car body appearance there will inevitably be a small scratch or rust, mainly because they do not care and bicycle collision or was deliberately scratched with a knife, there is a situation that is driving the vehicle in front the point of the tires bounce caused by small stones hit, make the paint appear a small point, a small rust flaking. This small traces often overlooked, even if the insurance company is not all risks few people repair because the small rust away. In fact, little rust and corrosion, do-it-yourself can smooth out.

With the small Guaceng, rust how to handle it? If the rust is not very serious, and can be dipped in water with a very fine water sandpaper gently rubbed off rust, completely wipe coated with a layer of primer to ensure rust will not expand, increase. New scratching can wipe directly primed by vehicles with a small can of original paint. Such treatment is not large good-looking, but a very small place and not cause illness. Also can be bought in advance a complement paint pen to be coated with the primer dry, then water sandpaper to grind, and then use the fill paint pen color processing. Remember, primed with the efficacy of anti-rust paint adhesion and increase table, do not be lazy, direct complement paint pen smear. A small area on the edge of the site of injury or obvious can be modified by this method.

Friends really want to be lazy, you can also use toothpaste. The car put an ordinary toothpaste, found little new rub marks on readily coated with a little. After rain or car wash, do not forget to Reapply look simple to play isolated, no problem in the short term. This is just a simple approach payable eventually to go to the beauty shop to the complete elimination of.

Therefore, it is often to maintain the smooth flow of the drainage holes in the door and body ministries routine maintenance of important work can not be ignored. The keyhole of the door and around the glass strip and wiper frame movable parts are also easy to rust, must always be noted.


The modified car headlights- choose good lights

Q: xenon bulbs can be installed on any vehicle?
A: xenon lamp lighting with traditional halogen headlights, xenon lamps with electronic ballast to function, and the geometry of the xenon lamp is also different from the other headlight bulb, so it needs a special reflector.
Q: My dealer said my car does not fit facelift xenon bulb, but there are many car original not is a xenon lamp, has installed a xenon bulb on the road, whether I can also replace existing lamps into a xenon lamp it?
A: This is unlikely to be by yourself for-halogen headlights into xenon bulb, available in the market, some car manufacturers in its maintenance car dealers to provide such special facelift? Such the VW a blessing, BMW?
Some car manufacturers has not yet decided whether it should provide the kind of facelift, the reason is that the car must be equipped with a complete electronic system is a very complex and expensive integration Moreover, needs to do a lot of testing, in order to avoid the abuse of the xenon lamp there Many of the provisions, for example: Some market requirement to car car will need to install automatic aiming system? Automat Leveling system? order to reduce the glare.
In addition, in some European markets also need headlamp cleaning device Finally, you may also have to change many of the parameters of the job in the automotive electronic systems.
For example, no one wants the airbag when the lights inexplicably open. Osram your best to avoid any modifications do not come from the factory outside the.
Q: The composition of the halogen and discharge headlight bulb contain what material?
A: halogen bulb light shell is manufactured with a hard glass or quartz glass, and most of the base is steel or plastic, secondly, the filament is made of tungsten, most of the filling gas containing low in the rare gas mixture of 1% of a halogen, a large part of the bromides with little chlorine, etc., and the electrode part of the gas discharge lamp is made by containing 0.7% thorium dioxide tungsten.
Q: discharge lamp contains harmful substances?
A: discharge bulb? Xenon bulb? Contain less than 1 mg of mercury, thallium with a little, because its content is extremely meager, even with a few light bulbs burst, nor will a health or environmental hazard, because the filling gas discharge lamp with the danger of high voltage, be sure to follow the accompanying manual to use.
Q: mercury bulb device in the car business?
A: Yes, discharge bulbs? Xenon bulb? With the lighting in the dashboard or the car? Bus? 'Pocket-sized fluorescent tube, the mercury content of less than 1 mg, the mercury content is minimal, health and the environment is not likely to be injurious.


Bad weather don't quoted Ray needle

Car safer in case of thunderstorm days 
Automotive metal objects, but wet tires become key components of the vehicle body in communication with the ground conductive, even vehicle by lightning attacks, the current can also be through the body casing, the tire is transmitted to the ground above. The compartment is escape the lightning ideal, but the windows must all shut tight, do not call, listen to the radio. Radio antenna lightning rod will absorb lightning, so be sure to close up. To turn off the sound system, being struck by lightning in the strong current of the lightning likely will invade to electrical equipment, leading to its damage, serious fire.
The thunderstorm days vehicles gnaw anti-lightningDuring a lightning storm, and how the car is the safest? The cars themselves are a big metal shell, lightning struck the vehicle, the high-voltage lightning can be passed directly from the metal shell of the vehicle to the ground form a loop, so as to protect the car personnel and equipment safety. Therefore, the lightning case, first put the car doors and windows closed, if the car doors and windows have gaps or holes in the event of a spherical Ray, lightning fireball formed through cracks or holes into the car, causing the car burst into flames. In addition, there are some small problems easily overlooked need extra attention.
Less external antenna. Some car antenna design in the roof area, while those exposed antenna harm can easily act as a lightning rod interested person inside the car during a lightning occurs, so be sure to remove or close up. Of course, this is old models like the design of modern cars almost always use the built-in antenna (or the entire body is a receiving body) to replace the antenna is exposed, it is also for safety and aesthetic point of view to consider 's.


Selection and use of the opcom op com oil

Appropriate viscosity oil on the engine is very important, not the number of "SAE" the bigger the better, according to the local temperature and auto level. Generally speaking, in Guangdong and other southern regions, ordinary car engine oil can choose "SAE" 30 to 40 "API" CC and CD level (Diesel) or "API" SD and SE grade (gasoline), and the high-class cars The oil must be in accordance with the manufacturers data guidelines to choose, not to arbitrarily chosen.There is also a wider multi-grade oil with a "W" indicates, add it to the high polymer material, the addition to the general characteristics of oil, its viscosity can be within a certain range the withered section, when exposed to heat thickens in case of cold thinning, thus reducing the resistance and wear of the engine. 
Oil are generally composed of two parts of the base oil and additives. Most of the base oil a mineral oil, an additive metal detergents, the antioxidant corrosion inhibitors, rust agents, ashless dispersants and viscosity index improvers and the like. Chemicals for oil to add some special features to improve the quality of oil, not only can reduce engine wear and tear to extend the life of the machine, so that the piston and combustion chamber cleaner, more lubricants Road and on the fine filter sediment and fuel economy extension of the use of replacement oil mileage, general drain intervals of up to more than ten thousand kilometers. 
In general, gasoline high speed less load, low pressure lubrication, the engine speed low load, high pressure lubrication, both oil performance requirements are different, so depending on the type of engine oil in two ways, one is called gasoline engine oil, the other is diesel engine oil, the two can not be mixed. As for the market both gasoline and general-purpose engine oil for diesel engines, and its performance to meet the overlap of the two types of engine oil level, so also marked the oil level range, and can not be applied to all cars.The oil is also a lot of stress.


The exhaust pipe Spitfire: partial ignition system

In fact, this bias when ignition system at work. A turbo lag (Turbo LAG) phenomenon is well known, the turbocharger system, i.e., due to the inertia of the turbine impeller, the rotational speed of the turbine blade of a slow reaction instantaneous change of the throttle, that is accelerated from Bigfoot throttle to the impeller rotation there is a time difference between the more air pressure into the engine, so the turbo lag is bound to generate power hysteresis.  

General turbo road car, because they are to use a smaller number of turbine blades, causing the slight turbo lag phenomenon. Racing and modified cars often use a king-size turbine to increase horsepower, heavier blades require more time and energy of the exhaust gas to push the blades accelerate and booster, these are not allowed in the arena against the clock bias when the ignition The system came into being, the purpose is to reduce turbine hysteresis.

Bias when the ignition system is the turbine speed compared to the engine speed to have a lead, for example, the effect of 4000 rpm and even higher speed supercharged engine 3000 rpm. In the case of cornering or deceleration of loose throttle ECU alone give a signal to command fuel supply system of the automobile enters a large amount of gasoline into the engine, but no ignition, but directly to the mist of gasoline without combustion situation after discharged to a very high temperature (about eight hundred to nine hundred degrees Celsius) of the exhaust system.  

Automatically detonate when the mist of gasoline into the high temperature because of the exhaust manifold. Pressure to promote turbine blades continued to accelerate direct combustion in the exhaust system, the car even in the case of deceleration to maintain the speed of the turbine blades (about 14000-20000rpm), thus eliminating turbo lag phenomenon, so the car only has turbocharged horsepower and has a the naturally aspirated smooth. And powerful explosion flame will be along the exhaust pipe all the way toward the tail pipe, so when there will be partial when ignition system operation sparks from the exhaust pipe ejected.


How to forbide car noise

Car noise from four aspects, road noise in the car driving, comes from the friction with the car chassis of the car tire and road noise feedback from the road, this is the first serious solution to enchant four good tires more practical compared soundproof! 2 car moving from the body in the upper part of the wind noise, this is because the body is not completely smooth surface in the collision with the wind whistling noise plus body sealing solve this can only ask the depot, and you ask me White asked friends!
Door trim panel inner layer of the density high sound-absorbing cotton! This Department car I demolished many in Germany and Japan and South Korea, completely not this year, the Japan Department individual new car has been fitted with, but a very small piece of absolutely no A3 such a large area! This is a layer of real fire retardant sound-absorbing cotton, used to suck in addition to the role of noise! High cost of this stuff! Manufacturing process requires very top! Because this material is in previously not civil, but aviation material! Used in the aerospace field! Thin 3-5 mm cotton, stretching dozens of layers of honeycomb surface layer to expand!

The effect is quite amazing! Recommends that owners even do vehicle soundproofing piece of cotton should be retained! The most soundproof brand this cotton sale!

A3 is also the middle empty Besides German cars and American cars door is double steel and other cars are basically hollow! Most solid Volkswagen Bora, door called a thick ah! The demolition not good demolition! Fox also double steel door!

The inside is black factory soundproofing glue, and afterloading difference is that the original is a hot melt pressure glue, heated, high-pressure adhesion at high resonance characteristics of the original car part! Extremely strong! There was a waste gate, I'm busy all right shovel glue Ins and Outs shovel more than half did not get clean! Seen how strong!

    Intermediate collision beam, very thick! Very large! The inner layer of paste domestic brand name Simon triple system vibration noise cotton inner layer damping plate, the outer layer of noise cotton! The door outer layer paste Leung's top the QD series damping board to prevent vibration of the speaker installation and door inner layer of iron plate!


Most economical method modified of the appearance

Body garland: Body garland the most out of color, shape modified a car without any modification, if coupled with a beautiful body garlands, immediately became the focus on the road. Garland overhead very flexible, if the easy way, from design to produce full to the specially adapted shop, but spent thousand dollars. But are you willing to spend some effort and thought of their own design or collection of icons, and then handed over to the sign shop production, much cheaper.

    Body trim: automotive trim, there will be a variety of boutiques in the car of their choice on the car, such as metal sequins, exhaust pipes, hood, light eyebrows like, you can let the car striking a lot. However, the principle of the installation of car exterior can not and miscellaneous Simply select few, the finishing touch on the line, but unoriginal.

    Car performance modification: doing more with less

    Car performance modification is a very specialized field, if you do some professional modifications, must have no less overhead, such as high-performance tires bell change brake system of the hundreds of thousands in a few thousand dollars, at least turbo pressure and the like, not thousands of dollars not to think, but do not be scared off, in fact, change the car there are ways to save money, many retrofit projects cost is not much, but the effect is still obvious:

    The intake modification: the most economical air intake modification is to change the original bit large flow style, can make the car a smoother intake, the dynamic has improved fuel consumption is said to also declined. The key is that many large flows can clean style is used repeatedly, and doing overhead is less than the original style.


How to reduce fuel consumption

The same car, because different people driving, fuel consumption is also different. Fuel consumption in addition to the vehicle, the driver's skills is a very important reason. Therefore, from the economic point of view, it should be mastered the skills of the fuel-saving driving.
Accelerated to slow
Car from low gear to start, and then slowly accelerate. Avoid large throttle hard acceleration. Car for city driving, slow acceleration, fuel economy is considerable amount.
Try to use economic speed
Car when the economic speed, the state car wear the smallest, lowest fuel consumption, is the most cost-saving. But the city often reach economic speed, good roads, the speed is much higher than the economic speed. Therefore as close as possible to the economic speed will reduce fuel consumption.
Foot light Shoukuai
Foot to step on the gas light and gentle hand shift faster and in a timely manner. Light throttle fuel efficiency, mainly due to the acceleration device and the concentrated apparatus Usually carburetor have, if pressed the accelerator, acceleration means processing conc device works and the "extra" oil, resulting in increased fuel consumption. Sudden lift of the throttle, will reduce the sky due to the engine speed suddenly pull overcast, partially offset by traveling inertia, so that the increase in fuel consumption.
Proper use of the brake
An effective measure under the premise of ensuring safety, minimize brake is also fuel-efficient. "Slip-generation brake" method, using early lift of the throttle, the natural deceleration of the car can not only fuel efficient, but also can reduce mechanical wear and tear.
Security glide
Taxiing into accelerated glide, the Decelerating and the downhill slide. Engines typically idle taxiing, the shift lever in neutral, the engine consumes very little oil. But be sure to pay attention to safety.
Maintain adequate following distance
Driving to maintain the distance between vehicles, so you can use less braking, safe and fuel-efficient.


How to prevent fatigue driving

Driver driving a vehicle, due to various reasons, tend to produce physiological function or psychological function disorders, physiological or psychological fatigue, thus dysfunctional. Driver fatigue signs in the road, can not be far off into trouble. According to statistics, traffic accidents caused by fatigue driving total since about 20%, accounting for more than 40% of the serious traffic accident.

Driver for a long time or long-distance driving, the greatest impact is a direct relationship with driving a variety of functions, indirect functions such as heart activity, maintaining a balanced body functions will also be affected. Therefore, before the long-distance traffic, the driver must try to ensure that normal sleep, driving should also adjust the seat and back, eat light food, drink plenty of water, do remember not to determine the time of arrival in advance to prevent a hurry and fatigue driving. 
Most of the accidents are due to driver drowsiness caused by zero to 6:00 at night and during the day from 13:00 to 16:00 while driving. The driver must be much more careful in these two time periods, timely do the movement to eliminate fatigue, wash your hands and face also has a refreshing effect. Of course, the best way is to immediately stop to rest, refrain from intoxication, however the accident. 
Some people think that listening to music can make people excited, but must be appropriate, because "as one not with two. Psychology that the human will concentrate force will be weakened or lost due to the impact of the outside world a variety of different levels. Modern medicine more acceptance and processing of external signals that the human brain center prematurely or aggravate fatigue. Therefore, must not listen to music as the only way to eliminate fatigue.If you sleep less than 4.5 hours, according to the test to know the driver one day driving over 10 hours or more, the highest accident rates. The driver try not prolonged continuous driving interval between every two out of the bus 
10-20 minutes, according to their usual sleep habits absolute rest.In the road, in order to prevent the relaxed vigilance, shall be given to the cab and air, lower the cabin temperature, moderate to listen to music over a period of time to get off the side of the road to relax, the eyes do not old staring at the center of the road line, you must keep a safe distance between other vehicles. 
In addition, to improve driver awareness of road safety and professional ethics, but also effectively prevent fatigue driving a trick. As long as the driver in mind the traffic safety and traffic laws, and into action, it will consciously resist fatigue driving behavior, to ensure road safety


Principle of modified chassis anti-roll bar

Anti-Roll Bar is usually translated into anti-roll bars, to popular thing you can call it "the next trolley. Reequipped two anti-roll bar to spend more than million budget, but it get manipulated to improve economic efficiency can be said is the highest of all modifications. General production car will be fitted with anti-roll bar, but mostly confined to the front wheel is used to reach a compromise of handling and comfort. The anti-roll bar is usually fixed to the left and right suspension lower arm, the car when cornering the rolling center of the centrifugal force will act in the car caused by body roll, resulting in a suspension of the turning inner wheel and curved outer tension and compression, causing anti The tilting lever is in the stretched reversed, the shaft is twisted to generate a rebound force to suppress the body roll. Here said "roll" and the previously mentioned "body roll" (Roll) is the same;-called "rolling" looked like the car frame in a vertical from the front through the axis of the rear from the front direction , and then do the rotation. Of course, this rotation is a minor, if the rotation angle is too large will be overturned, and that is really scroll.
The role of the anti-roll bar
When around two passing through the same road bump or hole, anti-roll bar and not have an effect. However, if the left and right wheels respectively, through different road bumps or holes, that is the height of the level of about two are not simultaneously will cause a torsion of the shaft, producing the anti-roll resistance (Roll Resistance) inhibition of body roll. That anti-roll bar when the synchronized movements of the left and right sides of the suspension up and down effect would not only suspended because of the anti-roll bar is not synchronized movements caused by pavement undulations or steering cornering effect only in the left and right sides. Anti-roll bar is only active only make way hardens, unlike the stiff spring will be full of sexual harden road. If you want to completely rely on springs to reduce body roll that may need a very stiff spring, high shock absorbers use more damping coefficient to suppress the bounce of the spring, so we must go to the springs and shock absorbers to withstand hard caused by such way, passing through the uneven road tracking adverse sequelae. But with the appropriate anti-roll bar can not only reduce roll, but do not have to sacrifice comfort and tracking should. Thus, anti-roll bar and spring mix to reach the road and the most feasible method of handling compromise.
Characteristics of the anti-roll bar
The resistance is provided by the anti-roll bar and springs anti-roll complementary, and anti-roll resistance occur in pairs, which means that the front anti-roll resistance is accompanied and rear anti-roll resistance, but due to the body with weight proportion as well as other external forces will make the front and rear anti-roll resistance and imbalance, this way it will directly affect the transfer of the body weight and handling balance. If the rear wheels of the anti-roll resistance is caused by too large the oversteer (Oversteer), on the contrary, if the front wheel of the anti-roll resistance too cause understeer (Understeer). In order to improve the manipulation we can make use of the anti-roll bars to control body rolling can be used to control the front and back of the body anti-roll resistance proportional distribution.

   The most important function of anti-roll bar affixed to improve tire is reached manipulation of balance and limit body roll when cornering. When cornering the bend wheel suspension elongation and bend the outer wheel suspension is compressed, then the anti-roll bar will generate reverse the inhibition of this case. It would have to bend the outer ring suspension a downward pressure force on the bend wheel suspension applied a lift force and trained them for the forces of the left and right suspension is equal and opposite to each other to contain. Too soft anti-roll bars in the independent suspension of the car when cornering will cause too much camber to reduce the tire contact area is too hard will cause the tires can not be close to the ground, affecting the handling. The curved inner wheel, anti-roll bar facilities wheels wheels applied force and spring force in the opposite direction, the spring force to pressure the wheel back to the ground, and anti-roll bars but make it off the ground. If the anti-roll bar is too hard will reduce pressure to the wheel back to the ground force, if this happens in the wheel, may make the draw bend refueling bend wheel grip smaller caused tire idling.


How does automobile anti-theft device

Many new cars now have anti-theft system, and some owners own the installation of anti-theft devices, however, the anti-theft system preparedness third hand, sometimes to the owners trouble. Car anti-theft device have what characteristics? We interviewed several people in the industry.
Battery is dead was hit by a car lock throttle
Often reflects the owner, the car burglar alarm for no reason, sometimes hear thunder firecrackers will be mad Ming endless, seriously interfere with the others rest.
In contrast, Hangzhou owners Mr. Zhu experience more depressing. His car a few days ago because of the battery aging lead to lack of electricity, the result, he tried to start the car, the computer board sudden electronic anti boot system failure. Call to the 4S shop, 4S shop said electronic anti-boot the system in order to protect the car was illegally start and set, the battery did not power the system will work, in order to start the 4S shops can only use special instruments to unlock .
4S shop to unlock not only to spend the unlock fee, but also extra-site service fee. Mr. Zhu Afterward, I thought, since the battery is dead, then let them get a new battery good. But he changed a new battery, the car will not start again no choice but to help the 4S shop, maintenance of the master to solve the problem with less than 5 minutes, for a total charge of 220 yuan.
Mr. Zhu said, depressed anti-start system is meant to be a burglar, but that brings its own trouble.
Burglar divided anti-steal both goods and anti-car theft
Why frequent occurrence of the owners own anti-theft devices accidental injury?
A car alarm supplies agents early years, some alarm call was very noisy and very high sensitivity, sometimes hear thunder or firecrackers will alarm, alarm sensitivity is lowered, and generally kick the tires under which it will be called, so it is not too noisy.
Agents introduced, car anti-theft device, there are two, one is anti-small sneak items inside the car; One is the anti-thief stole the car. To prevent stealing some cars configured illegal intrusion alarm, this alarm door light switch trigger alarm when the door is not the car keys or the remote control key to open.
Anti-car-theft electronic anti-start device, like Mr. Zhu's car, not only in high-end cars, and even some small van there. These cars only recognize the key of the owner's wife, even if it is equipped with a new key, the car can not start, you need to use the electronic instrument decoding Caixing electronic anti-start system, anti-theft feature in this.
Agents say, certain technical thief with the key to open the door is not very difficult, but with the key often can not start the car, should guard against thieves did you get the decoder, the owners of the remote control to open the door when the thief decoder access to the car's electronic identification ID, you can start the car. It should be noted that different brands have different models of the decoder, so the thief will often eyeing a certain brand car to start with, basically retain the large mainstream brand models.


Car audio conversion

Improved CD host
Still occupy a large share in the ranks of the middle and low car cassette head. Does not meet the owners of the car audio system can take a thousand hosts improvement program: If the car speakers good results can be considered the facelift set of Alpine (Alpine) CDE-9841 head, probably on the market priced at 930 yuan, which can completely change the sound of the car, the display panel of the handpiece finer workmanship.
The installation of an MP3 player
Small and flexible MP3 player is now the most popular music player equipment. Currently have many car audio manufacturers to introduce a car can have direct access to MP3 CD host, this modification can significantly enhance the car's audio convenience, however, function more natural sound quality a lot worse, and the line converted comparison trouble, it is recommended to have a professional qualification audio shop be modified.
Replace the MD head
MD is a digital recording format of the disc, and enjoy high quality repeated recording, recorded music, meeting, classroom records, live music in the car in time to play out, but also edit all the beloved songs in an MD dish and enjoy the digital sound quality. The disadvantage of this scheme is that the high price is only suitable for a small number of enthusiasts.
Installation of MP3 Converter
For both the MP3 player, and they have installed CD nose consumers want both QSO owners greatest desire. Works called MP3 car audio converter (also called the receiver) is converted into the MP3 audio source FM signal, and then by the the car host of radio receiving broadcast. The investment in this program is small, only a few dozen dollars can be resolved. However, the sound quality is relatively poor.
Improvement of the speaker
If you have been a good match original car audio system, car owners simply improved speaker. If the owner is a bit pop music lovers, pair of 6 × 9 subwoofer is essential; prefer rock owners may install a subwoofer will be able to get around 300 dollars. This program inputs obvious effective remains to be improved, but in the use of stability.


Modified car tuning knowledge of Nissan Consult 3 brake

No matter what kind of car, the brake system is to protect the most important part of the traffic safety, more essential, powerful brakes with high-powered modified car fans, after all, the car is light strong acceleration forces can not easily stop under, will lead to serious consequences. Therefore, before further enhance the speed performance of the car, we must first to enhance the performance of the braking system.

Let talk before conversion to understand the theory of the brake system, a 200hp horsepower, weight 1300kg car accelerates from a standstill to a speed of 100km / h may take 9-10 seconds, but the same car in violent brake case by the speed of 100km / h deceleration to a complete standstill, it only takes less than 3 seconds, indicating that the negative power of the braking system can be several times larger than the power of the power system. In physics, energy is not going away, it will only be converted from one form to another form, such as the kinetic energy is converted to heat, light, etc.. In the above example, a large number of vehicles "momentum" is the brake system at the moment all converted into heat energy, accumulated in the brake member, wheels, and road surface. And, if the brake without locking the wheels, then most of the heat absorbed by the brake parts. If the heat can not be quickly lost, would lead to overheating of the brake pads or brake fluid, making them lose their most important role - security, modified braking system, every aspect and temperature related.
Brake pads

Original brake pads due to the care to the cost, durable, the cleaning (Brake powder) and the low-temperature efficacy requirements, generally not very high coefficient of friction (mu) (about 0.4 or less), but mostly not withstand more than 300 ℃ temperature, after repeatedly occurs performance of a recession. Therefore, the replacement of the high-performance brake pads is the first step in the modified braking system. To select high-performance brake pads do not do too large mu number of ultra-high temperature, high friction coefficient makes braking action becomes too sensitive in slow motion, every time you touch the brake pedal will make the car's passengers off their feet, in addition to brakes will wear increases reduce life expectancy.


BMW GT1 engine modification technologies

Engine internal components modified high-precision components for the use of lightweight, high strength material in order to reduce the wear and tear of the internal dynamics, reliability and balance to enhance more to take into account in addition to achieve the purpose of power upgrade. Both lightweight and high strength depends on the material advancement of technology, the application of high-tech alloys or composite materials with precision machining technology, making the horsepower generated by modern high-performance engines not only per unit volume can significantly enhance the reliability and economy resistance can be simultaneously improved.

The modification of the valve
Valve technology have made great progress in the past few years, the main change is that the improvement of material progress and precision. High intake and exhaust efficiency, environmental regulations, have to rely on material well valve. Valve modified principle is: does not affect the strength of the case as much as possible to reduce the weight of the valve. The precise movements valve basic elements of high-performance engine, professional tuning usually combined for consumers to choose different valve engine retrofit projects more and more stringent accuracy requirements of the valve bodies, so set the steam the door must be considered with the camshaft and rocker arm. Original valve usually have the appropriate material and size, but if there is a need to moderate replaced with a larger or smaller size. The valve material is very important, the current modified steam valve is usually with the requirements in order to the intensity enhance and lightweight titanium alloy as a material, but a set of titanium alloy valve price is not low
Valve heat via contact with the valve seat, came through the valve seat to achieve the purpose of cooling the steam valve is the most important thermal path. Therefore, the configuration of the valve seat must be very careful, if too close to the edge of the valve or steam door edge is too thin may result in poor microleakage. In addition, the surface accuracy of the precision and surface smoothness of the valve sleeve and valve, rocker arm and valve holder must be strictly require otherwise at high speed will cause serious damage. Set the strength of the valve spring must be just right, to take into account the valve microleakage not cause difficulties open spring strength greater than that camshaft to open the the steam door when overloading horsepower output is very unfavorable. The fixed seat of the valve is also a potential problem with this device is with a clip of the spring fixed in the steam on the door, which will result in the sudden acceleration and lift the engine distorted or broken, and therefore must meet to make a change.



How much do we know about modified launch x431 spring

Spring suspension system plays an impact to support the body absorb uneven road conditions and other force on the tire, where other forces, including acceleration, deceleration, braking, cornering, the force exerted on the spring. More important is the absorb shock process to ensure that the wheels do not leave the road to ensure that the tracking of the car, and ensure adequate grip and good handling.Many people say that with 4K, 6K spring, but the K value in the end what it? According to the the physical formula F = K • X we can know that the value of K is the coefficient of elasticity of the spring, by the formula indicates that the greater the value of K, the case of the same force, the stroke of the spring is also smaller, and the K value is small, and will cause spring soft enough support. Specifically, 4K spring is when you applied a 4Kg the strength to spring, and spring will be compressed or elongated 1mm, 6K is also true. K number of select depends on your orientation and shock absorber damping settings to determine. Why do some people not to see the original shock machine coupled with the short spring, because once you spring K number of inappropriate choice of damage to the original shock machine is a very large number of K will lose a certain amount of comfort, K the number of small, easily exhaust stroke of the shock machine, a mismatch it is easy to lose the car tracking.Spring type is divided into two types: straight coil springs and progressive spring. Straight coil spring the name suggests is a spiral direction, diameter, pitch throughout the spring. The formulation of the above-mentioned K-value, only for a straight coil spring because it is the value of K is a constant, for a progressive spring, the value of its K with the changes in the amount of compression change.Straight coil spring is most characteristic of the spring coefficient K value is constant, K value unchanged direct benefits is to regulate the vehicles easy to grasp, more suitable for athletic suspension optional. In the game, the K value of the constant is very important, it can provide a more rapid response, also can make the tune associated with the shock absorber damping to be more precise. Stir tooth shock most with matching tuning easily and accurately than the progressive spring. Smaller straight coil springs processing difficulty, we can do a little experiment to experience: The "spring" and a period of gradual "spring" with a wire roll for some straight, take a look at what kind of "spring" easy to make. The answer is of course a straight coil spring, the wire circle wound on the cylindrical mold, and then releasing it. The progressive spring, the need to control each turn of the winding diameter and spring distance, need a special spring coiling technology. Of course, not to say that the difficulty of processing large or small, on behalf of its performance is high or low, but their applicable conditions are just not the same.
Another is a progressive spring, also known as variable coefficient of elasticity spring. It uses ranging from pitch circle diameter ranging design, that both ends of the circle diameter is small, the large diameter of the middle circle. Large circle diameter spring rigidity will increase accordingly, is also true for the pitch. Both ends of the spring is compressed by the force to be less than the intermediate portion, to pass only the both end portions so when small bumps and when a small impact force can be absorbed, can guarantee a certain comfort.

 Respond to body subduction because the braking, steering roll status by the middle of K values ​​larger portion to provide support and can better suppress body scroll (Rolling). The K value of the progressive spring is increased with the increase of the amount of compression will produce contact between the partial line, ranging pitch of the spring under compression, so that the effective number of turns to change, thereby causing the elastic coefficient K changes. Through the spring up and down circle diameter change is the most direct way to change the elastic coefficient K.


Off-road vehicles increased body modification

Many people already no stranger to the body for increased off-road vehicles, products now on the market to see that is spring plates and shock absorber. Body rise will affect a lot of all aspects, such as the front toe, steering system, rear propeller shaft angle and drive shaft length.
General import body increased product prices in the 8000-10000 yuan, some domestic alternative products prices between 6000-7000 yuan, this part of the product can only preliminary vehicle height by 2-3 inches, while the vehicle other basic performance does not improve, or because of the increased influence to other properties of the vehicle without any correction.
The body elevated impact and response measures
1 simply say that The body rises directly affect vehicle stability and steering system, the most affected stability can be improved by correction of the wheel alignment.
2 most of the front axle structure change due to elevated body turned to the kingpin angle and toe angle, independent suspension will directly affect the camber to solve the above problems can be adjusted by the replacement of the upper and lower arm and front wheel alignment .
Elevated make steering rod angle becomes larger, large undulating road driving is not easy to control the vehicle, to replace the steering rod and steering arm. In order to play in off-road vehicles increased the advantage while ensuring the stability of the vehicle on the road specially balanced rod connected device by the user for connection / disconnection.
Modified elevated the vehicle's center of gravity will affect vehicle stability, this problem can be resolved through external flange.
Rear suspension problems encountered larger drive shaft angle increased prone to noise and vibration, once the breakthrough reasonable angle specified by the manufacturer, and even prone to cracking, you need to reduce the transfer case and change bridge The input shaft angle.

In order to be able to play the body increased performance, with the steel plate with longer lug or collapsible lug, but these products will more or less affect the stability of the vehicles traveling on the highway. Raised may require a longer drive shaft or even completely change the driveshafts and transfer case export connection guarantee modified firmness.


Automotive interior parts cleaning nursing skills

In fact, the car interior cleaning and care with stress, before making interior cleaning, for example, should first car lights and other electrical appliances, the instrument is turned off, and then remove the dust inside the car, sweep the dirt, then vacuum cleaner compartment within various parts carefully vacuuming.Such as plastic products under the sun and wind oxidation cracking and loss of gloss leather goods appears to aging, wear, fade, fiber dust stolen goods contamination and oxidation fade, thus affecting the internal comfort and beautiful, but also shorten life.
Car seat cleaning points

There are two general types of car seats, villi class, leather. Velvet cleaners, cleaning fluff chairs must be dedicated and absolutely can not use bleach. The leather seats real leather and artificial leather. Must not use water or detergent cleaning, otherwise not only cleaning is not clean, but also cracks. Should use specialized cleaning products leather protector cleaning leather chairs, not only can quickly clean and polish, more effective removal of static electricity, enhanced protection.
For a dirtier leather surface, the first pre-treatment using velvet cleaning agent, because some dirt may induration on the leather surface, using velvet cleaning agent can effectively wetting and decomposition of oil, so that the next cleaning work more smoothly.
Instruments and other equipment cleaning to be properly
Dashboard panels and other plastic or leather products, the surface more pinstripe, contaminants multi possession inside. Pay attention to the process of cleaning these parts velvet cleaning agents, the Almighty foam cleaning agent, plastic care, etc., should not be sprayed appliances, switches, leather seats, seatback and body paint.
Like the dashboard, gear position area cleaning, you must first remove the dashboard area stripes, fold, dust on the corners.
Like cleaning the steering wheel, steering wheel, mostly leather or leather material, contaminants are mostly body oils, and not easy to clean. To in spray cleaners Rubbing, with a soft brush scrub with a clean towel to wipe. If the steering wheel coat, you want to remove it, clean glazing alone. Cleaning care requirements of the steering wheel should not sticky, not slippery.The air conditioning vents clean to be careful, and air conditioning vents materials for hard plastic grid format. The contaminated dirt dust and sand. Must be careful due to the thin and brittle, particularly in the grid at cleaning, to the grid to remove the cleaning, window grid with a small brush to clean the air conditioning vents.


Modified exhaust? Pull the wind in order to listen to the sound ?

Car engine as the power source of the car, it is the level of performance directly determines the level of the overall performance of the car. The level of performance of the car engine, not only depend on the design of the engine block, with the other parts surrounding it, such as into the exhaust system, fuel system, ignition system, electronic control systems, etc. are closely related, and intake and exhaust system as a two door gods in charge of the engine lifeblood, if one is defective, the engine will not be able to work properly, affecting the performance. But for many owners, they are more concerned about the appearance of the car is complete, rarely interested in the exhaust system of the car's in-depth study, if you want to study, I am afraid that the exhaust tail mouth. After all, the car's exhaust is difficult to see the appearance of the inside of the structure, at the same time a lot of people will think that the exhaust pipe is not clogged working.The car's exhaust system (Exhaust System) Usually constituted by the exhaust manifold (exhaust plantain), catalytic converters, muffler drum (tail drum), exhaust pipe, etc., are very particular about the design of various parts, which is more to the tail drum staggering. In addition to play the role of the muffler because the tail drum, its structure form directly affects the function of the exhaust system
This time to let everyone in-depth understanding of the tail drum, and uncover the mystery of the exhaust system, a Suzuki Wagon factory exhaust tail drum, and a modified exhaust tail drum were dismantling. As shown above, the Suzuki Big Dipper tail drum is the typical back pressure design, the exhaust gas pipe at the start ① into the tail drum, and quickly filled the the tail drum rear exhaust chamber (2) is closed due to the exhaust chamber, exhaust only to backtrack at the hole in the pipeline ③ the exhaust chamber ④ flow into the middle of the Exhaust Gas flows through the grid ⑤ exhaust nozzle ⑥, tail drum finally discharged from the exhaust pipe ⑦.The original's tail drum how simple in appearance, if not apart to see what happens, I believe we can not think of original exhaust flow is so complicated! Although the design of such a complex alignment can play a better role in the back-pressure, to enhance the engine's low-rpm range torque helpful, however, if the engine is to climb on the high-speed range, a bit powerless, but it also reduces the high turn interval horsepower output, modified tail drum is how are we doing?


BMW GT1 balance rod knowledge introduced

Car balance lever is in accordance with the purpose and function of demands, the following points, namely:1 under the front wheel swing arm the balanced lever (the original car essential accessories)- Designed and installed separately connected to the front axle and front wheel, the main role is responsible for the control of the front wheel of the medial and lateral inclination;2. Direction before the beam balance lever (the original car essential accessories)- Design hem arm mounted on both sides of the front wheel, the overall symmetry control the direction of the front wheels. The main role is responsible for the front wheel of anteversion, to maintain the direction of tracking ability of the wheels;3. The front suspension Tata top balance Trolley (Hong Kong and Macao commonly known: the top bar. Optional pieces)- Designed and installed in the front shock absorber overhead position. The main role is enhanced cabin with front body rigidity to counteract centrifugal horizontal torque caused by the frame deformation (severe deformation can cause the top of the tower tear), improve vehicle cornering ability, improve cornering speed, reducing the body by the centrifugal force generated by the roll angle;Before the end of beams balanced trolley (commonly known as: before the end of the optional pieces)- Designed and installed in front of the front axle and the frame chassis joints. The main role is to enhance the strength of the connection of the front bottom beam (front axle) and the chassis, reducing the front axle displacement deformation distortion caused by the centrifugal force with the body, and its main role is also to improve the cornering performance;5. Rear suspension overhead balance lever (commonly known: after the top bar. Optional pieces)- Designed and installed on the rear shock tower top position. The main role is to enhance the strength of the boot of the car, reducing the rear compartment due to the centrifugal force caused by the lateral distortions, reduce car tail roll when cornering, to improve vehicle cornering performance;Rear axle suspension to to enhance balance lever (commonly known: after the end of optional items)- Designed and installed at the connection position behind the rear axle and frame chassis. The main role is to enhance the strength of the connection of the rear axle and the frame;Frame (body) chassis enhancements balance lever (components)- Designed and installed in the middle of the frame chassis, the main role is to strengthen the overall frame chassis rigidity.Depending on the vehicle factory design, the frame structure is different, some have been omitted, and some other structure to replace.Family vehicles usually do not pay attention to the equipment, sports vehicles, is rather more not less.In addition, the body in order to enhance the rigidity of the body as a whole and professionally converted (cockpit) anti-roll support with side door strengthening steel beams, are highly specialized athletic essential modification project.Different models of chassis design, usually not free to substitute other models of accessories.After serious collisions, the balance rod deformed and its components, should all be replaced, rather than the heating correction can be fully restored, otherwise, even if the correction reset, but the material itself changes also affect the high speed security and stability.