
How much do we know about modified launch x431 spring

Spring suspension system plays an impact to support the body absorb uneven road conditions and other force on the tire, where other forces, including acceleration, deceleration, braking, cornering, the force exerted on the spring. More important is the absorb shock process to ensure that the wheels do not leave the road to ensure that the tracking of the car, and ensure adequate grip and good handling.Many people say that with 4K, 6K spring, but the K value in the end what it? According to the the physical formula F = K • X we can know that the value of K is the coefficient of elasticity of the spring, by the formula indicates that the greater the value of K, the case of the same force, the stroke of the spring is also smaller, and the K value is small, and will cause spring soft enough support. Specifically, 4K spring is when you applied a 4Kg the strength to spring, and spring will be compressed or elongated 1mm, 6K is also true. K number of select depends on your orientation and shock absorber damping settings to determine. Why do some people not to see the original shock machine coupled with the short spring, because once you spring K number of inappropriate choice of damage to the original shock machine is a very large number of K will lose a certain amount of comfort, K the number of small, easily exhaust stroke of the shock machine, a mismatch it is easy to lose the car tracking.Spring type is divided into two types: straight coil springs and progressive spring. Straight coil spring the name suggests is a spiral direction, diameter, pitch throughout the spring. The formulation of the above-mentioned K-value, only for a straight coil spring because it is the value of K is a constant, for a progressive spring, the value of its K with the changes in the amount of compression change.Straight coil spring is most characteristic of the spring coefficient K value is constant, K value unchanged direct benefits is to regulate the vehicles easy to grasp, more suitable for athletic suspension optional. In the game, the K value of the constant is very important, it can provide a more rapid response, also can make the tune associated with the shock absorber damping to be more precise. Stir tooth shock most with matching tuning easily and accurately than the progressive spring. Smaller straight coil springs processing difficulty, we can do a little experiment to experience: The "spring" and a period of gradual "spring" with a wire roll for some straight, take a look at what kind of "spring" easy to make. The answer is of course a straight coil spring, the wire circle wound on the cylindrical mold, and then releasing it. The progressive spring, the need to control each turn of the winding diameter and spring distance, need a special spring coiling technology. Of course, not to say that the difficulty of processing large or small, on behalf of its performance is high or low, but their applicable conditions are just not the same.
Another is a progressive spring, also known as variable coefficient of elasticity spring. It uses ranging from pitch circle diameter ranging design, that both ends of the circle diameter is small, the large diameter of the middle circle. Large circle diameter spring rigidity will increase accordingly, is also true for the pitch. Both ends of the spring is compressed by the force to be less than the intermediate portion, to pass only the both end portions so when small bumps and when a small impact force can be absorbed, can guarantee a certain comfort.

 Respond to body subduction because the braking, steering roll status by the middle of K values ​​larger portion to provide support and can better suppress body scroll (Rolling). The K value of the progressive spring is increased with the increase of the amount of compression will produce contact between the partial line, ranging pitch of the spring under compression, so that the effective number of turns to change, thereby causing the elastic coefficient K changes. Through the spring up and down circle diameter change is the most direct way to change the elastic coefficient K.

