
BMW GT1 engine modification technologies

Engine internal components modified high-precision components for the use of lightweight, high strength material in order to reduce the wear and tear of the internal dynamics, reliability and balance to enhance more to take into account in addition to achieve the purpose of power upgrade. Both lightweight and high strength depends on the material advancement of technology, the application of high-tech alloys or composite materials with precision machining technology, making the horsepower generated by modern high-performance engines not only per unit volume can significantly enhance the reliability and economy resistance can be simultaneously improved.

The modification of the valve
Valve technology have made great progress in the past few years, the main change is that the improvement of material progress and precision. High intake and exhaust efficiency, environmental regulations, have to rely on material well valve. Valve modified principle is: does not affect the strength of the case as much as possible to reduce the weight of the valve. The precise movements valve basic elements of high-performance engine, professional tuning usually combined for consumers to choose different valve engine retrofit projects more and more stringent accuracy requirements of the valve bodies, so set the steam the door must be considered with the camshaft and rocker arm. Original valve usually have the appropriate material and size, but if there is a need to moderate replaced with a larger or smaller size. The valve material is very important, the current modified steam valve is usually with the requirements in order to the intensity enhance and lightweight titanium alloy as a material, but a set of titanium alloy valve price is not low
Valve heat via contact with the valve seat, came through the valve seat to achieve the purpose of cooling the steam valve is the most important thermal path. Therefore, the configuration of the valve seat must be very careful, if too close to the edge of the valve or steam door edge is too thin may result in poor microleakage. In addition, the surface accuracy of the precision and surface smoothness of the valve sleeve and valve, rocker arm and valve holder must be strictly require otherwise at high speed will cause serious damage. Set the strength of the valve spring must be just right, to take into account the valve microleakage not cause difficulties open spring strength greater than that camshaft to open the the steam door when overloading horsepower output is very unfavorable. The fixed seat of the valve is also a potential problem with this device is with a clip of the spring fixed in the steam on the door, which will result in the sudden acceleration and lift the engine distorted or broken, and therefore must meet to make a change.


