
How to prevent fatigue driving

Driver driving a vehicle, due to various reasons, tend to produce physiological function or psychological function disorders, physiological or psychological fatigue, thus dysfunctional. Driver fatigue signs in the road, can not be far off into trouble. According to statistics, traffic accidents caused by fatigue driving total since about 20%, accounting for more than 40% of the serious traffic accident.

Driver for a long time or long-distance driving, the greatest impact is a direct relationship with driving a variety of functions, indirect functions such as heart activity, maintaining a balanced body functions will also be affected. Therefore, before the long-distance traffic, the driver must try to ensure that normal sleep, driving should also adjust the seat and back, eat light food, drink plenty of water, do remember not to determine the time of arrival in advance to prevent a hurry and fatigue driving. 
Most of the accidents are due to driver drowsiness caused by zero to 6:00 at night and during the day from 13:00 to 16:00 while driving. The driver must be much more careful in these two time periods, timely do the movement to eliminate fatigue, wash your hands and face also has a refreshing effect. Of course, the best way is to immediately stop to rest, refrain from intoxication, however the accident. 
Some people think that listening to music can make people excited, but must be appropriate, because "as one not with two. Psychology that the human will concentrate force will be weakened or lost due to the impact of the outside world a variety of different levels. Modern medicine more acceptance and processing of external signals that the human brain center prematurely or aggravate fatigue. Therefore, must not listen to music as the only way to eliminate fatigue.If you sleep less than 4.5 hours, according to the test to know the driver one day driving over 10 hours or more, the highest accident rates. The driver try not prolonged continuous driving interval between every two out of the bus 
10-20 minutes, according to their usual sleep habits absolute rest.In the road, in order to prevent the relaxed vigilance, shall be given to the cab and air, lower the cabin temperature, moderate to listen to music over a period of time to get off the side of the road to relax, the eyes do not old staring at the center of the road line, you must keep a safe distance between other vehicles. 
In addition, to improve driver awareness of road safety and professional ethics, but also effectively prevent fatigue driving a trick. As long as the driver in mind the traffic safety and traffic laws, and into action, it will consciously resist fatigue driving behavior, to ensure road safety

