
Modified exhaust? Pull the wind in order to listen to the sound ?

Car engine as the power source of the car, it is the level of performance directly determines the level of the overall performance of the car. The level of performance of the car engine, not only depend on the design of the engine block, with the other parts surrounding it, such as into the exhaust system, fuel system, ignition system, electronic control systems, etc. are closely related, and intake and exhaust system as a two door gods in charge of the engine lifeblood, if one is defective, the engine will not be able to work properly, affecting the performance. But for many owners, they are more concerned about the appearance of the car is complete, rarely interested in the exhaust system of the car's in-depth study, if you want to study, I am afraid that the exhaust tail mouth. After all, the car's exhaust is difficult to see the appearance of the inside of the structure, at the same time a lot of people will think that the exhaust pipe is not clogged working.The car's exhaust system (Exhaust System) Usually constituted by the exhaust manifold (exhaust plantain), catalytic converters, muffler drum (tail drum), exhaust pipe, etc., are very particular about the design of various parts, which is more to the tail drum staggering. In addition to play the role of the muffler because the tail drum, its structure form directly affects the function of the exhaust system
This time to let everyone in-depth understanding of the tail drum, and uncover the mystery of the exhaust system, a Suzuki Wagon factory exhaust tail drum, and a modified exhaust tail drum were dismantling. As shown above, the Suzuki Big Dipper tail drum is the typical back pressure design, the exhaust gas pipe at the start ① into the tail drum, and quickly filled the the tail drum rear exhaust chamber (2) is closed due to the exhaust chamber, exhaust only to backtrack at the hole in the pipeline ③ the exhaust chamber ④ flow into the middle of the Exhaust Gas flows through the grid ⑤ exhaust nozzle ⑥, tail drum finally discharged from the exhaust pipe ⑦.The original's tail drum how simple in appearance, if not apart to see what happens, I believe we can not think of original exhaust flow is so complicated! Although the design of such a complex alignment can play a better role in the back-pressure, to enhance the engine's low-rpm range torque helpful, however, if the engine is to climb on the high-speed range, a bit powerless, but it also reduces the high turn interval horsepower output, modified tail drum is how are we doing?

