
How to reduce fuel consumption

The same car, because different people driving, fuel consumption is also different. Fuel consumption in addition to the vehicle, the driver's skills is a very important reason. Therefore, from the economic point of view, it should be mastered the skills of the fuel-saving driving.
Accelerated to slow
Car from low gear to start, and then slowly accelerate. Avoid large throttle hard acceleration. Car for city driving, slow acceleration, fuel economy is considerable amount.
Try to use economic speed
Car when the economic speed, the state car wear the smallest, lowest fuel consumption, is the most cost-saving. But the city often reach economic speed, good roads, the speed is much higher than the economic speed. Therefore as close as possible to the economic speed will reduce fuel consumption.
Foot light Shoukuai
Foot to step on the gas light and gentle hand shift faster and in a timely manner. Light throttle fuel efficiency, mainly due to the acceleration device and the concentrated apparatus Usually carburetor have, if pressed the accelerator, acceleration means processing conc device works and the "extra" oil, resulting in increased fuel consumption. Sudden lift of the throttle, will reduce the sky due to the engine speed suddenly pull overcast, partially offset by traveling inertia, so that the increase in fuel consumption.
Proper use of the brake
An effective measure under the premise of ensuring safety, minimize brake is also fuel-efficient. "Slip-generation brake" method, using early lift of the throttle, the natural deceleration of the car can not only fuel efficient, but also can reduce mechanical wear and tear.
Security glide
Taxiing into accelerated glide, the Decelerating and the downhill slide. Engines typically idle taxiing, the shift lever in neutral, the engine consumes very little oil. But be sure to pay attention to safety.
Maintain adequate following distance
Driving to maintain the distance between vehicles, so you can use less braking, safe and fuel-efficient.

