
Autocom engine structure types parsing

Engine as a source of power for the Autocom, just like the human heart. However, different size and structure of the human heart is not very different, but the internal structure of the car's engine has a vastly different, different engine constructor What? Let's look together.The source of power is the engine of the car, while the engine's power is derived from the interior of the cylinder. Engine cylinder is a fuel the inner can be converted to the kinetic energy of the place can be understood as a simple, fuel combustion in the cylinder, great pressure to promote the vertical movement of the piston, the force is transmitted to the crankshaft through a connecting rod, and finally converted to a rotary motion, and then power transmission through the transmission and drive shaft to the drive wheels to push the car forward.Cars in general are mostly four-cylinder and six-cylinder engines, since the main driving force of the engine from the cylinder, it is not more good? Cylinder more In fact, with the increase in the number of cylinders, engine parts also a corresponding increase in the structure of the engine will be more complicated, which also reduces the reliability of the engine, the other will also improve the engine manufacturing costs and maintenance costs are. So, automotive engine cylinder number tradeoff choices made are based on the use and performance requirements of the engine. Like the V12 type engine, the the W12 type of engine and W16 engine is only used in a small number of high-performance car.In fact, the V-type engine, simple understanding is that adjacent the cylinder at a certain angle together, from the side look like a V-shaped, that is, the V-type engine. The V-type engine with respect to the inline engine, the decrease in the height and length, so that can be made lower engine cover, to meet the aerodynamic requirements. Cylinder V-type engine is an angle to the disposed part of the vibrations can be counteracted, but bad is necessary to use two of the cylinder head, the structure is relatively complex. Although the height of the engine is reduced, but its width is also a corresponding increase, so that for the fixing space of the engine compartment, the installation of other devices is not easy.Small angle staggered on both sides of the V-type engine cylinder, that is, the W-type engine. W-type engine with respect to the V-type engine, the advantage that the crankshaft can be shorter, and weight can also be lightweight, but the width increases correspondingly, the engine compartment will be more full plug. The drawback is that the W-type engine structure is divided into two parts, the structure is more complex, the operation will generate a lot of vibration, so only a small number of the car application.Boxer engine can be understood as the angle of the V-type engine was expanded to 180 ° adjacent cylinder arrangement (the bottom of the piston to the outside), into opposing boxer engine. The advantage is well offset by vibration, the engine running more smoothly; low center of gravity, the front can be designed to be lower, to meet the aerodynamic requirements; direction of the power output shaft with the drive shaft in the same direction, a higher efficiency of the power transmission. Disadvantages: complex structure, maintenance inconvenient; Production demanding, high cost of production, the well-known brands of cars, only Porsche and Subaru still insist on the use of horizontally opposed engine.A steady stream of power, the engine is able to benefit from the cylinder intake, compression, acting, four stroke exhaust the methodically cycle operation. The intake stroke, the piston moves from the upper dead point is moved within the cylinder to the lower dead point when the intake valve opens, the exhaust valve is closed, the gas mixture of fresh air and gasoline is sucked into the cylinder.
Compression stroke, the intake and exhaust valves closed, the piston from the lower dead point is moved to the upper dead point, the mixed gas is compressed to the top of the cylinder, in order to increase the temperature of the gas mixture, and prepare for the power stroke.
Power stroke, the spark plug will compress the gas to ignite the mixed gas within the cylinder "explosion" occurs great pressure pushing the piston from the upper dead point to the lower dead point, and driven through a connecting rod crankshaft rotation.
An exhaust stroke, the piston moves from the lower dead point to the upper dead point, the intake valve closes, the exhaust valve opens, the exhaust gas after combustion through an exhaust manifold discharge outside the cylinder. 

The  Autocom engine is able to generate power is actually derived from within the cylinder explosiveness. The combustion chamber in a sealed cylinder spark plug to a certain percentage of the gas mixture of gasoline and air in the right moments instantly ignite, it will have a tremendous explosive power, the combustion chamber is at the top of a fixed tremendous pressure forces the piston downward movement crankshaft by the connecting rod to promote, through a series of institutions the power to the drive wheels, and ultimately drive the car.

