
How to prevent and deal with a flat tire

Quanzhou, Fujian Province, together with the flat tire caused casualties, 1 seriously injured in traffic accidents caused by tires. That in the end how to prevent a flat tire as well as how to deal with a flat tire occurs? Small summarizes the following points.Regularly detection Perhaps we all know is very important tire pressure, tire pressure changes as the temperature changes, the winter tire pressure is necessary to adequate. If the tire pressure is likely to lead to a flat tire. Xu the webmaster told reporters, under normal circumstances, the risk of loss of pneumatic tires puncture higher, if the tire loss gas also continued to travel, make the tire sidewall deforms the car a long time inside the tire will accumulate a lot of heat heat eventually lead to tire internal air pressure changes, causing a puncture.It is reported that the tire loss puncture gas caused accidents account for almost half of the puncture accident, so it is recommended that owners usually must develop a good habit of regularly checking tire pressure. Owners can purchase a tire pressure monitor, every twelve weeks monitoring tire pressure can often visually to see whether the loss of gas tire. The most reliable way is to the 4S shop tested once every two weeks or a month.Expired tires firmly with some owners think that as long as the tire not bad can continue to use, tires are the life of, if the tire expired will not be able to continue to use. Xu webmaster, under normal circumstances, the life of the tire in 2 years to 3 years, or about 60,000 kilometers traveled more than life or badly worn tires should be replaced.It is reported that the shelf life of the rubber is generally about 5 years, and tire life with the use, storage, and other conditions are closely related, therefore, a vehicle to pay close attention to their own tires, once the tire aging, accident damage and wear serious and so on should be promptly replaced."Injured" tires do stop the so-called "Injured" tire generally refers to a leak on the tire sidewall is more complex, the road taken by the owners of the day-to-day driving, so rolling tire phenomenon is inevitable. Xu the webmaster told reporters, tires pricks are generally positive leak can be repaired, can also be a good complement to the normal use, but if the tire sidewall or tire sidewall and tread angle between the leak can not be repaired, do not use it anymore even if repaired.Xu webmaster to remind owners, everyday driving should always check the tires for damage, such as: to see whether the tire surface tie nails, cuts, and other phenomena, once the damage is found to promptly repair or replace. If you find that there are some stones in the tire grooves, have to be removed to avoid deformation of the tire crown. Also, do not let the tire contact with oil and chemicals.Every once in a while to give the tire rotation tires per run for some time should be transposed, so they can keep the tires wear evenly. Vehicle traveling 5000 kilometers should do a tire rotation every 5000 km to 10,000 km per vehicle to do a wheel alignment, in order to avoid tire abnormal excessive wear. Is not allowed to install different models on the same shaft or the old and new differences larger tires. The high-frequency the wheel unbalance excessive high speed will generate swing, causing tire wear is not conducive to driving safety. Balancing test should be conducted to adjust tire repair, tire-sided balancing test value should be less than or equal to 40 g.Way to deal with sudden flat tire while driving:Unilateral front wheels for front-wheel-drive vehicles: a flat tire will cause the vehicle to puncture the wheel side of the deviation and the emergence of direction manipulation difficult. Unilateral rear wheel flat tire will cause a a vehicle rear jolt.: Unilateral rear wheels for rear-wheel-drive vehicles flat tire will cause the vehicle to the side of the deviation puncture wheels. The unilateral front tire will lead to a vehicle direction manipulation difficulties accompanied by front bumps.When the vehicle suddenly puncture, our first time to stabilize the steering wheel and release the throttle, do not rush to fight direction or slam on the brakes. Stabilize the direction of the vehicle, we can resist, transmission gear hanging into the use of engine braking to slow down the speed. Speed ​​reduced to 20km / h or less, we can tap the brakes to reduce the speed further, and slowly pull over. So when traffic can open the double flash to alert nearby vehicles.Pull over vehicles parked immediately broke the double flashing lights of the vehicle, remove from heat and pull up the handbrake. Observed from the rear-view mirror the rear no car can get off to check the condition of the vehicles, and triangle reflectors placed at 150 meters in the rear of the vehicle as soon as possible. Next, choose to replace the spare tire or call for roadside assistance service based on the actual situation of the vehicle.

