
How to disinfect for blisters car

"7.21" devastating natural disaster in Beijing a lot of cars were submerged. How these mud blisters car cleaning and disinfection? China Indoor Environment Monitoring Committee person in charge to the owners the following tips.National Indoor Environment and Indoor Environmental Quality Supervision and Inspection Center Director Song Guangsheng, said the summer season of thunderstorms and floods are high temperature, high humidity and low air pressure, the chemical in indoor air pollution emission is relatively high, close the doors and windows at the same time due to prolonged air conditioning, indoor and the interior environment, chemical pollution, biological pollution and radioactive contamination will be increased. Housing or car suffered a flood, sewage, garbage, mud and bodies of animals and plants in the flood of toxic and hazardous substances, easy long-term stay in the indoor air pollution indoor and in-vehicle environment, on the one hand, likely to cause cholera, hepatitis A, dysentery , schistosomiasis, infectious diarrhea in a variety of prone infectious diseases, it also easier to mold and other biological disasters to the furniture and interior decorations. Therefore, disinfection of household goods in the post-flood and interior environment purification and disinfection.A compartment water not only to clean but also disinfect. Disinfection of this procedure is often very easy to ignore a lot of people. The flood carries a trench water and dirty water, bacteria. Seat, seat cover, the best wash with bleach, absorbent cotton must be replaced to avoid the bacteria multiply, you can also do some ozone sterilization.Second, the air conditioning evaporation tank should also be open rinsing, disinfecting and drying. The blowers have to be carefully cleaned, or after there will be many problems. This can reduce a variety of ailments caused due to the line in the future. Water vehicle air-conditioning system maintenance to be diligent, taking care to check the lines and clean the main pay more attention to the occurrence of minor defects.Three sunny days when the drive to the sun, the air conditioning system is in the heater block, and then the air volume to the maximum, the sun on the door windows fully open state over 10 minutes. In addition, pay attention to check the air filter, filter cleaning or replacement. Currently on the market, there are a variety of cleaning agents used to clean up the air-conditioning duct, you can buy a bottle of their own wash.Proceed car air purification, clean air inside the vehicle "Photocatalyst technology, this technology has been successful in Japan, used in automotive anti-bacterial purification. Can also be used charcoal activated carbon to absorb moisture inside the car, formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds and other harmful substances, as well as deodorant, clean air and water, put a few packs in the car is a good deodorant supplies.Five, the use of car air purifier can remove the smell of the car. Good air clean function to release a high concentration of negative ions and ozone, not only can absorb dust and particulate impurities in the air, but also the air of harmful substances and allergens decomposition, effectively clean the air, so that the car to breathe fresh and healthy air.

