
Different stages of the car maintenance

Experienced professionals in a car defines four different times, respectively, the peak period in the new car state, use two to four years after the period of weakness, from four to six years of menopause, as well as after the twilight period, each maintenance during the focus is not the same."Peak period": the replacement of wearing parts of the car the first two years of life "peak period" can be said is the best time of the car situation, equivalent to human adolescence. This period the people with passion, rhetoric and aspirations, daring to dare, to have used up the best, if not tired. The car is also true of this period, condition is excellent, as long as routine maintenance, basically there will not be any problems, but more than two years the car will begin to replace some of the most vulnerable to wear and tear parts. But some quality, however hard the car can only be maintained for about one year. Therefore, the manufacturer has only promised one year warranty, new front year basically not a big quality problems."Tired" period: a new brake pads use two to four years after the car began to enter the "tired stage. No longer pre lively, energetic. Car of this period, you need to replace some parts, to supplement its energy. Name but a few are for reference only:Brake pads: car use two or three years you need to replace the brake pads. When a car serviced, first to check the brake pads, brake pads are the first line of defense driving safety. Based on experience, the brake pads probably will mill around in two years all, of course, the accurate use of may, depending on the driver's habits. If you kind of like to step on a lot of oil, and then violently hit the brakes at a critical time, the wear of the brake pads will certainly be more powerful, will be relatively short life.The fuel pump: car drove up to more than two years, when the fuel pump is almost the cleaning or replacement.3 shock absorber: the car to three or four years, when, running up and may not have a new car so smooth, in which case, you should check a car's shock absorbers. The role of shock absorber in order to reduce the vibration of the car, it is part of the suspension system, if no longer elastic shock absorber spring, will shake badly at high speeds, a rainy day is particularly dangerous.Menopause: small problem repaired to spend four to six years, the car will enter the climacteric stage. Just as people enter the "menopause" losing her temper, in the "the climacteric stage" of car, point out the problem is a common practice, because many parts of the car are aging, time to time, oil spills, leaks, small problems is endless This requires owners to dispose of in a timely manner. Well this period the car maintenance, appearance, or "bright and tender" the point "Banlaoxuniang" charm. Savvy car owners will take advantage of this period began to change trains, cars of this period either a better price, but also all those upcoming issues of training and preparation others."Twilight" period: other wearing parts on a regular basis to spend six years later, the car will enter the "twilight stage. Like the sixties and seventies, the elderly, the seriously ill 369, minor illnesses every day, unhappy bad children. This period the car is also bad owners worry ah, a strike three hundred sixty-nine, "strike" every day. All corruptible bad over again, not bad may only replaced the parts. During this period, you have to strengthen the conservation of the car, regular replacement of wearing parts, from time to time to the service station or conservation center to check vehicle condition, must do a routine check before moving off and closed car maintenance.

