
Young "old car" -Morgan Plus 8/Aero Coupe

British cars in people's mind is http://www.obd4u.fr/858-cles-et-puces-de-vehicule the embodiment of a gentleman temperament, like Rolls Royce,Jaguar, they manifested a completely different temperament and with the level of car, in reference to the models of these brands relevant information, we also will refer to their unique qualities, which the British brand gives us the impression, like referring to the will of the French car combined with the romantic.
Today, most of the British brand has been acquired by other countries' companies or power, but really pure British descent have been very few brands, and even some brands have been forgotten. Today, we want to show and has one of the few models of pure British descent, Morgan Plus 8 and Aero Coupe,
Morgan brand has been more than a century of history in the automobile manufacturing enterprise is regarded as a famous old brand. However, in the automated production of large area applications, Morgan still adhere to the handmade manufacturing process, a document that adhere to it there are still a lot of followers. Look at its new models, we first take a look at the history of the Morgan.
Boom since the Mercedes-Benz in 1886 to produce the first car, the car will set off in Europe and North America, there are a lot of the strength of the consortium are optimistic about and get involved in this market, not with the strength of the car manufacturer a positive impact, Morgan selected three automobile manufacturing personality. 'Strange, three of the front wheel of the car shape with smart body so that the car has a good driving experience, although the body is narrow, but Morgan's first car was a good sales performance. With the development of the Morgan three cars later launched a two-seater, four of the multiple versions of the models. However, because the audience is too small in order to expand the scale, Morgan, or launch their own four-wheeled vehicles.
Morgan 4/4 Morgan brand's first four-wheeled vehicles, equipped with a four-cylinder engine, so named after the 4/4. Outside the Morgan 4/4, in order to meet market demand, and then also introduced the Plus 4, Plus 8, etc., with a lot of car manufacturers, Morgan and unrestricted to expand their production scale, but has been producing the above-mentioned several models for up to 70 years, since the Morgan brand that several models still in production, but they experienced for so long, no change, or following the introduction to tell you!
Morgan Plus 8 in the international top brands Expo earlier this month in Beijing, this century-old brand from the UK in the domestic market two models of the Plus 8 and Acro Coupe. Morgan Plus 8 was introduced in 1966, after forty years to see it to see the Morgan car, even compared with the thirties Morgan 4/4, it looks like not too much change in shape, still retains its original classic style.
The front length to occupy the whole body half the length is a major feature of the Morgan car, the front two big eyes and did not use today's popular lenses or black, but the simple circle of chrome-plated design but also make it seem bright and piercing . Protruding round turn signals with a sort of cartoon color, bumper front face is extremely simple, with a straight waterfall grille, the whole Renault CAN Clipface seemed so elegant, emit bursts of nobility.
The smooth rounded shape of the wheel arches so that the body showed more flow line, dynamic, but in fact this shape because of the restrictions in the manufacturing process, so this is a symbol of contemporary. The hood opening reminds me of the old liberation. Reach half the length of the body front, the cockpit almost above the rear wheel, the car is sitting in the rear-wheel drive sports car, how to feel, I think we should miss the comfort of this.
Morgan Plus 8 front and rear tire specifications for the 225/40 R18 and 245/50 R18 with low body and prominent wheel arches with simple style 6-spoke wheels and still very dynamic. The wider rear wheel, but also provides greater grip at the start.
Compared to now today's sports car, this shape seems to feel a little dull, but this is Morgan's classic design, if not, I am afraid it can not be called the classic design of the interior remains before the modeling manual manufacturing process is its focus on classic design make it modern sports car in sharp contrast.
Car in addition to the dashboard, the other parts of almost all cortical parcels, red and white color gives the feeling of a clean, simple and elegant, used to seeing black sports style, this combination seems to be more attractive in order to ensure the body weight, and even windows do not have landing capabilities, but its design is more Niagara wind, you can manually remove window, it becomes no window frame design, is not feeling very original, but a lot of flavor, is not it. For Morgan to create the most Ford Ids Vcm original and most mechanized vehicles, to allow people to really feel the pure driving pleasure.

